Monday 7 October 2013

Public Health Now Further To The Left Than Cuba

MyChoice Australia last month made a very salient observation about the current World Trade Organisation dispute surrounding plain packaging.
Tobacco producing nations, including the Dominican Republic and Cuba, argue that plain packaging laws create illegal obstacles to world trade. 
Yes, Australia’s getting a lesson in free trade courtesy of communists.
Hardly surprising, really. If you were to view the Twitter feeds of Australian tobacco control execs recently, you could be forgiven for thinking that the election of mildly right of centre Tony Abbott as PM was akin to a return to sticking 10 year olds up chimneys and exiling petty criminals to, err, dustbowls on the opposite end of the world.

His crimes, it seems, are opposing carbon taxes and same sex marriage, while also appointing his cabinet on more substantial criteria than if they happen to have a vagina.

Whatever their outward reasoning, though, it's pretty clear that they're mostly just pissed off that a non-lefty government is not likely to shovel cash their way as liberally as they have become accustomed to.

It's a global feature of the health lobby in general. In the UK, for example, we have the likes of Gabriel Scally who advocates "socialism for all"; Sir David Nicholson, former card-carrying member of the Communist Party who now enjoys a comfortable retirement after NHS deaths under his watch and presiding over a culture of suppressing criticism; and Martin McKee who tweets about public health when he has time free from rabble-rousing about globalisation, public sector power, and the evils of capitalism.

Meanwhile, in the freedom-loving USA, public health fanatics are eagerly applauding Cuba for starving their citizens.
A few months ago, we noted a bizarre study in the BMJ (formerly the British Medical Journal) that suggested that the famine caused by the repressive Communist Cuban Castro regime was good for people’s health. Harvard’s food-scold-in-residence, Walter Willett, commented positively on the outcome of state-sponsored famine, suggesting the study showed “powerful evidence that a reduction in overweight and obesity would have major population-wide benefits.” 
Now, the study authors (and Willett, presumably) indicated that they didn’t support the dictatorial methods, just the state-controlled outcome. But now Willett has gone a step further. He recently told a Harvard conference that “children are being exploited, same as sweatshops” and declared obesity “a natural consequence of a capitalist food supply.”
Now, agree with their politics or not, all of the above have one thing in common. None of them need to be elected in order to influence at the highest level, just like their Godhead, the WHO. Exactly what dictators throughout history have always aspired to.

Through public health, they've found a way to interfere in the lives of everyone on the planet fiscally, economically and socially without ever having to ask the public for approval. If you object further, or things don't quite go to their master plan, bullying, smears and ad hominem is usually enough to scare politicians into jumping when they're told to.

And tomorrow, an unelected EU Commissioner's Tobacco Products Directive - drafted under a long shadow of corruption and designed to completely ignore any consultation which disagreed with its pre-determined positions - will slime its way past plenary with the help of the socialist bloc(k) vote. Funny, that.

Wherever he is right now, I expect Stalin is applauding in admiration.

UPDATE: Thanks to a fellow jewel robber by e-mail, here's supporting evidence via the Twitter feed of  John Ashton, head of the UK Faculty of Public Health. Wow!


Sam Duncan said...

You know, when I first heard of Anatoliy Golitsyn's insistence that perestroika and the subsequent fall of the USSR were in fact part of a carefully-planned “long-term stratgegy” in which international communism would go undercover and continue to undermine western liberal society hidden in plain sight, I was pretty damn sceptical. It sounds like the most tinfoil-hatted of conspiracy theories.

But now I'm really beginning to wonder. I still don't want to believe it, because it sounds crazy (not to mention terrifying, if it's true), and I never like to attribute to conspiracy what can better be explained as cock-up. But these “former” communists seem to turn up everywhere, don't they? And yes, it's come to this: avowedly communist states telling the West that we might go a bit easier on the suppression of free trade.

Whether all this was all cooked up in a Moscow backroom between the KGB and PRC in the early '60s or not, the fact remains that the enemies of individual liberty haven't gone away: in truth they're more powerful than ever.

Frank J said...

Planned or not it is what has happened. What did we think occurred with these Soviet bloc 'politicians' when the iron curtain fell? That they had a Damascene conversion to free markets and Democracy? Ha! They found ready made niches in Brussels and the UN. Welcomed with open arms.

And we're reaping the rewards.

David Pimborough said...

Hey Dick you don't need to go to Cuba or North Korea the Welsh Assembly has already started

Where a crap shoot "public survey" of 502 translates into "the vast majority of Welsh people".

Here's a little factoid that they won't discuss: Wales has the highest prescription rate for anti-depressents. A nice side effect of anti-depressent use is carbohydrate binging which leads to weight gain.

So you get fat and and then depressed so more anti-depressants.

Then you get denied surgery (elective would cover stomach stapling or gastric bands)

So the quacks prescribe more anti-depressents because you are a fat lazy drain on the glorious NHS.

A never ending circle :D

Dick_Puddlecote said...

"But 73% did not want the government telling people what they should eat"

That would be too close to home for them, eh? Happy to point at fatties and make demands, but don't like it directed back. Sounds about right for the average 21st century Brit.