Wifi is standard just about everywhere over here - as you'd expect for the centre of an EU member state's capital city - so I'll be posting anything of note (and probably irrelevances too) on these pages over the weekend.
First up tonight, though, is the welcome party at a Turkish restaurant from 6:30pm your time. If you care and are lucky - and if this ex-MEP doesn't nobble me with vile cocktails again - I might be in a position to post some pics from the event later. Watch this space.
Pics will have to be added later when I get a better platform, for now I'll put them in the comments.
Quite a crowd at the welcome venue. Vaping is permitted inside but it's busy in there.

One half of the buffet.

She said it was a local Polish cocktail, don't know the name. It was revolting.
Make sure to get one of Rebecca dumping her drink on Fergus's head :D
Discussions in close sessions? No press or uninvited observers?
Nope, all open and some sessions filmed. I reckon the organisers would positively welcome the press.
Probably vodka and fermented fish or something similar. They like some funny old things in them foreign countries.
I look forward to the photos. I do hope you manage to get some footage of suitably dissolute behaviour. I mean, what else do you go to these things for? Surely the whole idea is to get pissed and make a spectacle of yourself, is it not? ;)
Anyway, enjoy. Doubtless you will have something of interest to relate concerning the event.
I've never been to Poland, but I understand from friends who have that it is very welcoming. And cheap. If they could just do something about the temperature there....
It's clear blue skies and 25 degrees here this evening. :)
We don't have any pics yet, DP. Not even in the comments. :(
25°? Gawd, that's the same as here! Get me a large tequila and fresh squeezed orange, plenty of ice - I'll be along shortly!
Twitter links above
25, eh? What's that in Celsius?
You're right into this now. Go for it.
Nice meeting you in person. :D
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