Over at Dan Hannan's Telegraph blog, commenter Velocity airs some astute observations.
The Tories look like a duck (socialist), quack like a duck (socialist) and act like a duck (socialist). Sopping wet spineless Tory policy is so close to Labour and Liberals on ALL major issues you can’t get a fag paper between their chummy big folds of fat of this grotesquely obese socialist State.
Pro EU
Pro War
Pro Bus
Pro Train
Pro Nanny State
Pro Police State
Pro Spy Cameras
Pro Speed Cameras
Pro State License of Utilties
Pro Health & Safety Gestapo
Pro Obese Public Sector Spending
Pro Propping Up the entire Socialist State
Anti Car
Anti Drugs
Anti Drinks
Anti Smoking
Anti Tax Cuts
Anti Prostitution
Anti Constitution
Anti EU Referendum
Anti Free Competitive Market Solutions
It's difficult to knock more than a couple of those over, to be honest.
ADDENDUM: Anti Grammar schools too.
A growing number of people want to see more grammar schools, despite a lack of support for them from the Labour and Conservative parties, a study suggests.