Friday, 23 April 2010

Mascot Watch (5)

The Freedom Association are, quite rightly, throwing their weight behind our blog mascot's campaign. Today they e-mailed this appeal.

Philip Davies, who was elected as Conservative MP for Shipley in 2005, urgently needs YOUR help to retain his seat.

Philip has been a truly outstanding MP and it is absolutely vital to the campaign to free the United Kingdom from the EU Empire that he be returned to Parliament again on 6 May.

At a time when so many MPs have betrayed the public's trust in them, Philip shines out as a man of principle. The first MP to call for Britain to leave the EU, he has willingly sacrificed any prospect of self-advancement in order to lead the crusade to regain Britain's freedom and independence from Brussels.
Oh, more than just that. Described by VGIF as "the last liberal in parliament", Davies's libertarian credentials are immaculate.

OK, you want more proof? Here you go, he right winds those lefties up, so he does.

Scoring zero for seven of our ten categories has left Davies with a total progressive rating of just 4%. His profile has to be seen to be believed, but here are some impressively odious highlights.

On climate change he believes that “the government shouldn’t be doing more, they should be doing less”; a conviction that has led him to oppose laws to stop climate change in the Commons.

He has voted against equal gay rights, any Lords reform and has called for a repeal of the hunting ban as well as an abolition of the Human Rights Act.

Philip Davies is a keen member of not only the fervently right-wing Cornerstone Group but also the TaxPayers Alliance, a pressure group that calls for lower taxes and decreased investment in public services.

Added to this Philip is also the Parliamentary Spokesman for the Campaign Against Political Correctness and in October 2005 he also became the first Conservative MP to openly state that Britain should withdraw from the EU.
Err, and these are bad points how?

TFA have urged those who can to help Phil's campaign, and this blog can only agree wholeheartedly. Here are their suggestions.

1). Join Philip's campaign team in Shipley. Full details here - or call Shipley Conservatives on 01274 585 830.

2). Make a donation to Philip's campaign here.
If he gets up righteous noses so much, let's make sure he keeps them sneezing for another 5 years.


bnzss said...

A 'progressive rating'? What new madness is this?

Quiet_Man said...

@ Ben

You need to reverse the meaning as in a lot of leftyspeak.

Progressive = regressive
Fair = unfair
green = red

David Gillies said...

Shipley? Bloody hell. You realise that's just down the road from Bradford? It's a nice place, but I had no idea it was Tory. I can only assume it's blue because of flight from the repellent, increasingly-violent and ghettoised hell-hole that is the Leeds-Bradford metro area.

I nearly bought a house in Ilkley, which is a similarly genteel outpost not far from Gehenna (which means I'd've had Ann Cryer as my MP, albeit that she's one of the better ones.)

g1lgam3sh said...

I like the cut of his jib.