Friday, 1 April 2011

Mascot Watch (12) - Tory vs Tories Edition

Our esteemed mascot, Philip Davies MP, has been busy on our behalf this week.

In case you missed it, he rose in the commons on Wednesday to rebut Sarah Wollaston's draconian 10 minute rule bill to introduce bans on the majority of alcohol marketing. Below is a teaser, his full speech can be read here.

It will come as no surprise to my hon. Friend Dr Wollaston that I object to the Bill in principle and in practice. Despite her best efforts to suggest otherwise, it is clearly an attempted extension of the nanny state, of which we have had far too much already. It is gesture politics to try to appease the health zealots in this country, most of whom cannot be appeased anyway.
Our Phil also popped up at Conservative Home yesterday to comment on the upcoming ban on tobacco displays. It's another recommended read.

There are many products that are bad for us if taken to excess, including alcohol and fatty foods. Is the Government going to ban these products from display as well? It is difficult to stomach seeing the nanny state alive and well with a so-called Conservative Secretary of State for Health – in fact, can anyone spot the difference between this Government and the last lot?
In light of the fact that his reply the day before was to a fellow Tory, we can only answer firmly in the negative, more's the pity.

Keep up the good work, old chum.