Thursday, 13 February 2014

What Say You, @ASH_LDN?

Via Redhead, you may have heard some pretty alarmist shit from odious tobacco controllers in the past but this - I guarantee - trumps all of it.

So good he tweeted it twice.

And from the linked article ...
Smokers who have been awarded full or partial custody of their children, or even simple visitation privileges, in a divorce proceeding could lose custody or have their rights curtailed as the result of a new report showing that tobacco smoke residue on furniture, rugs, draperies, etc. – often called “third-hand tobacco smoke” – can be as hazardous to a child’s health as secondhand tobacco smoke, says public interest law professor John Banzhaf (because, yes, it is he - DP), who has helped obtain court orders prohibiting smoking in private homes in dozens of states.
If you can find anything more evil than this from any pressure group, anywhere in the world, please do tell as the ambulance chaser sets his bar pretty high.

Since Action on Smoking and Health declare on their website that it is wrong to "attack smokers or condemn smoking", I'm sure we'll hear Deborah Arnott distancing her rabble from the founder of their US inspiration very soon.

Yep, anytime now, I reckon.



dodderer1 said...

The Wild West of Tobacco Control drifts eastwards - another Atlantic depression on its way

Glenn Sheerin said...

You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

nisakiman said...

Ye gods, they really are plumbing the depths of depravity now. It makes one wonder to what depths they will sink in their fanaticism. But what is most worrying is that these misanthropic lunatics can carry the politicians with them on this headlong dash to the nadir of malignity and malevolence.

We should all (and I don't mean just smokers) be very, very worried.

Bucko TheMoose said...

If third hand smoke can be used against a parent who has split from a partner, what is stopping these nutters 'protecting' kiddies from 3rd hand smoke in houses where the parents are still happily together?

blowhookah said...

I think when you join my club nothing happened on your life because we are not provide you nicotine we are provide you best electronic hookah that are not effect on your body.

right_writes said...

I wouldn't bank on any such declaration from the government funded ASH corporation., they are almost certainly on a productivity contract. They declare their next target, the government collectively holds up its hands in horror, and the MP's vote to ban it after some thorough research.

I wonder if somebody started a charity on the same funding basis as ASH, that was devoted to gradually curbing the excesses of the most dangerous substance known to man...

Government hypocrisy.

Longrider said...

They are perfectly correct of course. Third hand smoke is precisely as dangerous as second hand smoke...

Laurie Knight said...

The funny thing is this part is actually quite true!

" “third-hand tobacco smoke” – can be as hazardous to a child’s health as secondhand tobacco smoke"

Yes 0 hazard does equal 0 hazard

Dunrunnin said...

The anti smoking fanatics are quite prepared to use kids for their own gratification
There is a name for those who use kids to further their influence.
There is also a way of dealing with them
nattering aint one of them.

SOS said...

The pervert child slavery rings are tired of the lower prices commanded from the kids who *might* smell like smokes or stale smoke.

Bones said...

So when will it be illegal for smokers to handle currency? or perhaps children will be prevented from handling notes and coins lest they had been handled a smoker, for their own good.

Jax said...

Aren’t these cranks in danger of severely hampering their Great March towards a tobacco-free world with all this THS malarkey? I don’t know if they give any time limit to the amount of time that this figmentary THS hangs around, but presumably, using their logic, it isn’t like SHS which can, after all, be blown away by a strong wind (or good ventilation). If it couldn’t then there wouldn’t have been all that fuss about SHS drifting into non-smoking areas etc. But THS, no longer being airborne, presumably resists the likes of air-conditioning or ventilation. And if people are to be denied the opportunity of seeing their children forever, even if they obediently give up smoking as the zealots demand, then isn’t that a major disincentive towards giving up at all?
It’s a bit like the proposals made some while ago by the same “let’s hate smokers” crowd, that even ex-smokers should be denied employment. A proposal which was quietly shelved and “forgotten” about, when it suddenly clicked as to how many people – being as they were already persecuted for being smokers, and being unable to go back in time and re-invent themselves as never-smokers – would decide that it wasn’t worth the effort of giving up if they were going to have to suffer the same prejudice and do without one of their greatest pleasures in life?

What the.... said...

DP, as far as I’m aware, Banz½ the ⅓ retired from heading ASH in 2011 (because I remember the graphic below appearing on Siegel’s blog at the time). But he obviously continues his derangement in the media.

Banzhaf is a real piece of work. He has been instrumental in promoting antismoking hysteria from the very beginning of this crusade way back in the 1960s. This is the nut case that wanted health warnings for secondhand smoke on cigarette packs (3rd World Conference on Smoking & Health, 1975) years before the first “study” on SHS.

But Banz½ the ⅓ is not just any run-of-the-mill neurotic bigot. The irrational fear and hate that runs through this nitwit’s mind is extraordinary. In his hands, already questionable “research” soars to new heights of catastrophe through the intentional use of the most inflammatory language possible.

The following is Banz½ the ⅓’s own website. This is what he wants the public to know about him. He comes across as a brash, infantile, Narcissistic, greedy shyster:

What the.... said...

More info on the neurotic, bigoted shyster:

What the.... said...

The lying buffoon really can’t help himself. He’s been using the Chapman Trick for decades, this time applied to “thirdhand smoke” (from his current article) and referring to chemicals that haven’t even been detected as “thirdhand smoke”. The insanity just goes on, and on, and on…..:

“Like secondhand tobacco smoke, it [third-hand smoke] contains highly carcinogenic compounds, heavy metals, hydrogen cyanide (used in chemical weapons), butane (used in lighter fluid), toluene (used in paint thinners), arsenic, lead, and even radioactive Polonium-210 (used to murder a Russian spy).”

What the.... said...

Probably one of the most vile, abominable contributions that rivals his current tweet was from a few years ago and also related to “thirdhand smoke”. For a
background on the very dodgy “research”, see Siegel’s archives:
October 7, 13, 14, 17, 19

From this questionable research with zero extrapolation potential to humans, Banz½ the ⅓ concocted this:

What the.... said...

Banzhaf’s Cherman history and coat of arms:

And it’s from this website that we are informed on how to pronounce his name – “John F. Banzhaf III [pronounced Banz-half]”

i.e., John F. Banz½ the ⅓

What the.... said...

There is a Nonsmokers' Rights Legal Research and Advocacy Competition sponsored by the National Center for Nonsmokers' Rights, Professor John Banzhaf of the George Washington University Law School, and Action on Smoking and Health. Law students can win a $5000 first prize, $3000 second prize, or $1000 third prize, plus approximately 30 different $1,000 travel grants, by submitting a 1000-word proposal for legal action to benefit nonsmokers. All entrants will be invited to participate at the Seventh World Conference on Nonsmokers' Rights in Washington, DC.

This is one of the projects Banz½ the ⅓ pursues with funding he attracts. Here are some entrant gems, 2005-2009, from young minds on promoting antismoker bigotry:

05,ALCORN,James,Exposing a Child to Secondhand Smoke is Child Abuse.

05,RYAN,Karen,100% Ban of Indoor & Outdoor Smoking on Post-Secondary Education Campuses.

06,FINEMAN, Beck, Creating Legally Defensible Employment Policies to Promote Smoke-Free Workforces.

06,CHAUDHURI, Michael Kumar, Tobacco, Tokes & Torts, Suing Casinos for Failing to Provide Safet Premises.

06,KHO, Min J. Saying Yes To No, Justification For Outdoor Smoking Bans.

07,EDWARDS,Shannon,Smokers To Remain Stationary While Smoking.

07,LOH,Jean,Banning Smoking On University Campuses.

07,KATZ,Andy,Class Action Against Tobacco Companies On Behalf of Plaintiffs Injured Prenatally.

07,VALENTI,Matthew,Zone Ssmoking Off the Map, Litterally.

07,ZIMMERLY,Phil,Treat Smokers Like Nudists.

08,HILVERDA,Brian,Lawsuit Against Landlords for Breach of Warranty of Habitability.

08,KERMANI,NEJAD,Ramin,Smoking Break Ok As Long As You Don't Smell Like It.

08,LEWIS,Lillian,Removing The Acceptance Of Smoking In Public.

08,NEMUNAITIS,Justin,A Program Should Be Established To Import Low Price Smoke Cessation Drugs.

08,RICHARDSON,Randall,The Best Interest Of The Child.

08,ROBINSON,Sarah,Smokefree Entryways, Protecting Nonsmokers.


09,GREENBERG,BRYAN,Kent Law, Permitting Children to be Exposed to Environmental Tobacco Smoke Constitutes Neglect.

09,HEARN,MICHAEL,McGeorge Law, Establishing a Third-hand Smoke Disclosure Requirement for Home Sellers.


09,MANCILLA,ANDREW,Brook Law, Laws Banning Smoking Within the Vicinity of a Minor Do Not ViolateDue Process Rights of Adults.

09,NAIR,RISHI,Chicago Kent Law, The Dangers of Second -hand Smoke.

09,SQUIER,CHRISTOPHER,University of Iowa, Make it Expensive to Buy and Difficult to Use.

What the.... said...

From his self-indulgent website we are informed on how to pronounce his name –

“John F. Banzhaf III [pronounced Banz-half]”

i.e., John F. Banz½ the ⅓

Banzhaf’s Cherman history and coat of arms:

What the.... said...

"Collage" should be "montage". [my excuse is I dern't spik Franch :)]

Nicki Lawrence said...

Bullying is often to be found in the playground, where it's being stamped out, for good reason! Using children for their intimidating veiled threats and scare tactics is sick and nasty...... "think of the chiiildren" - have they studied the psychological damage to them of not seeing their parents when this latest ruse doesn't work, or is that next to warrant snouts back in the trough? These people are being paid with our money, which is being disgracefully wasted left right and centre, to dream up more and more ridiculous scams (sorry ... schemes) everyday!

The fanatical arm of the ANTZ are becoming so hysterical now, they must have smoke coming out of their ears - ban them I say! Surely they realise that they're making absolute arses of themselves, or does living in an ideological ivory tower preclude commonsense? Or maybe they're being paid enough to put up with that in return for inventing studies that match a required outcome.

From what I can see, governments and anyone else whose career relates to tobacco, don't actually want people to give up smoking. Why would you when it's such an enormous cash cow for so many? They just have to be seen to look as though they're doing the right thing re public health when, it's perfectly clear from the ecig debacle alone, they really couldn't care less!

harleyrider1778 said...

Lets dump all the kids off on Banshafts ASH steps and make a god damned orphanage out of it and him!

harleyrider1778 said...

I will one up ya:

Study: Third-Hand Smoke Exposure As Deadly As Smoking

Benjamin FearnowFebruary 3, 2014 10:31 AM

harleyrider1778 said...

Gets a rope. now pick a forest we will need every tree limb

harleyrider1778 said...

Ivea feeling Banshaft is one of those henchman who is likely to commit suicide when it all caves in.

harleyrider1778 said...

Thanks for the target posters

harleyrider1778 said...

It definitely attracted all the control freaks the world over..........

Laurie Knight said...

Is it still legal to say I fucking hope so?

harleyrider1778 said...

Heres the latest JUNK SCIENCE. No doubt to back up their car ban or to start fulfilling the prophesy of the in home ban.

Passive Smoking Impairs Histone Deacetylase-2 in Children With Severe Asthma

harleyrider1778 said...

I don't know why it has you under moderation,you make an excellent point in your verbage.

Laurie Knight harleyrider1778

Is it still legal to say I f@@@@@g hope so

nisakiman said...

...does living in an ideological ivory tower preclude commonsense?

Yes, Nicki, I'm afraid it does. We see it in all their hyperbolic utterances.

Tom said...

Here's another photo of Banzahaf and Glantz both.

sillyusername said...

So one parent is Chester the Child molester and the other is Fag Ash Lil. According to this the former is preferable to the latter.

harleyrider1778 said...

Evidence Mounts Linking Acetaminophen and Asthma -
Dec 19, 2011 · The sharp worldwide increase in childhood asthma over the past 30 years ... “We know that acetaminophen can cause increased bronchial constriction ...

truckerlyn said...

Exactly! What hope have we when idiotic zealots like this can pull the wool over the eyes of politicians almost everywhere? Not, I guess, that it is too difficult to fool politicians - but this is going too far!

Legiron said...

Yup. Not at all.

Legiron said...

Write 'handled by smokers' on every banknote you get.

I had one back recently. It wasn't my handwriting....