We have come to Tripoli to identify sustainable solutions to today's challenges. These solutions will bring our peoples, our businesses, our cultures and our youth closer together.Some of us are old enough to remember when it was merely a European 'economic area in mind', but that was many EC directives ago.
We have come to Tripoli with the fascinating long-term perspective of a Euro-African economic area in mind – an area which will provide opportunities for 2.5billion citizens by 2050.
Barroso's vision may be understandable though, just look at how many citizens we are talking here. 2.5bn is a lot of units for megalomaniacal people to play with, the scope for paper-shuffling fees and increases in self-importance is enormous.
Sometimes you wish they would just be honest about it all by hollowing out a volcano and filling it with flashing gadgets, inept uniformed foot soldiers, and some hungry sharks for if an inconvenient spy should turn up.
Oh, and a big fluffy white cat, natch.