Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Fake Charity Needs Your Help

Alcohol Concern are running a survey to ascertain youth opinions on alcohol advertising (I wonder why?). Sadly, by its very nature it is a self-selecting one, since only under 18s who eschew Facebook and YouTube in favour of surfing for righteous bully pressure group websites will find it. That, or being directed there by school PHSE staff encouraged by government, of course, which can't be ruled out considering the fake charity receives a majority of its funding from the state.

As such, responses are going to be somewhat biased. Now, Alcohol Concern doubtless value their integrity very highly and would be far from happy with a dodgy survey, so perhaps readers here may like to help them out by providing some balance. You could even "be in with a chance of winning one of five £50 Topshop, iTunes or lovetoshop vouchers" for just 2 minutes' of your time. Not too shabby, huh?

The survey can be accessed here and closes on May 29th. Remember that it's for under 18s only. I want to make that absolutely clear, not for adults, OK? You don't have to actually prove you're under 18 (well, so I'm told anyway, I haven't responded myself you understand) but that matters not, it would be wrong to lie ... after all, Don Shenker has never told an untruth in his life. Ever. Wouldn't dream of it.

By all means pass the link around too, I'm sure they'll be delighted.

H/T Straight Stats