Well worth a watch before some professionally joyless banshee petitions YouTube to have them banned, I thought.
Only Nixon can go to China
22 minutes ago
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Not a regular smoker myself (a ciger every now and then when the fancy takes me) but I will be joining the smokers outside and partaking in a couple of delightful vanilla cigarellos I purchased on a recent continental trip.
I can just about remember some of these, along with the John Player League in Cricket and the John Player sponsored Lotus in Formula One. Oddly enough I did not feel the need to rush out and start smoking Players!
Nah that can't be right, it would mean we had minds of our own.
Stopped smoking 12 years ago, but used to smoke Hamlet and remember all these Ads. Where did you find them?
YouTube have them dotted all over, Anon. If you watch enough of them, you may spot Ronnie Corbett, Arthur Mullard, Russ Abbott, Ian Botham and a few other quite obviously evil bastard celebs promoting disease and the killing of babies. Otherwise known as 'cigars'.
But back to prisons, Moscow, & World "No Tobacco" Day...
Unbelievable idiocy swallowed whole...
I hope you're all celebrating World No Tobacco Day in the style to which you've become accustomed by having a celebratory cigarette and a drink. ;)
World No Tobacco Day?
Looks like I accidentally picked the best possible day to pot-on those seedlings.
They're getting bigger!
Great stuff!! I used to work on the account with CDP (not the tv unfortunately), but had great fun.
Interesting to see nobody bothered with the bolux in the hangman clip!!
Happy days!!
Was there any smoking advert in that clip? All I saw was some half naked lady.
Ahh - I remember them all from when life was normal and civilised. I see the creepy smokerphobic health warnings crept in the later ones.
THanks for that DP. Funny how advertising is supposed to be so powerful that the very sight of a Hamlet can turn us into pathetic addicts but for every one I watched and enjoyed over the years, I can honestly say I've never smoked a cigar in my life and don't recall any for the tobacco brands I smoked ever being advertised on TV.
The one in the restuarant made me think of Prague :)
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