Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Sprinkle Liberally Around The Web

As you would expect, I am in full support of the e-petition - as detailed at Taking Liberties this morning - to amend the smoking ban. Tabled by TV chef Antony Worrall Thompson, the exact wording is short and to the point:

We petition the Government to review the impact of the smoking ban on pubs and clubs and consider an amendment that would give licensees the option of separate well-ventilated smoking rooms.
Signing is very simple and will take less than a minute if already logged into your e-mail. Please do add your signature and also forward the link to all fair-minded friends, family and acquaintances if you can.

To access the e-petition, CLICK HERE.

Any further promotion of this initiative would be much appreciated. Please post it at your blog if you have one, or add a sidebar link to the petition as I have done. Alternatively, alerting Facebook friends or retweeting the URL to your followers would be very helpful.

We know there is support for such an amendment, all that's needed is to spread the word. The more we reach before the closing date, the better.

Ta in advance, folks.

UPDATE: Having been prompted by commenters (thirsty to sign more petitions, which is good), it's worth putting up links to others which are relevant.

We have two more along the same lines which deserve support:

Amend the smoking ban by Daniel Connolly
Amend the smoking ban by Gary Robinson

And, of course, this one is also a must while you have your e-pen out to e-sign.

Stop government funding of ASH by David Walker

Or, you could sign Councillor Paul Bartlett's one, which he wrote in crayon and submitted in a Peppa Pig envelope. Bless.