That was money well spent, eh? Now, Mr Cameron, off you toddle and empty your air-brushed head of this silly minimum pricing poppycock, there's a good lad.
About time too
39 minutes ago
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Not so fast - seasonally adjusted the figures are 2023 Yes, 47 No :)
Fat chance!
I seem to recall a cast iron pledge about a certain referendum!!
They'll just copy the EU and tell us we got it wrong and will have to vote again.
Meanwhile I see the American food fascists are on our case this week trying to confiscate our filet steaks because of all the nasty chemicals that are put in SPAM.
Wait till the Government has a consultation, then the figures will be different.
SPAM fritters ... Mmmmm!
I like SPAM too, in spite of nasty chemicals. I prefer mine grilled, on toast (gottta be unhealthy white sliced) and with a fred egg on top.
But I eat up my greens too.
Spam is my Sunday breakfast meat of choice. Grilled crispy, of course.
Gave it to the kids when they were younger and now they go up the road and buy the tin before Mrs P and I crawl out of bed. :)
Methinks the likes of Drink Wise North West are dim enough to believe that people clicked the wrong boxes and in fact the results should be reversed - wouldn't surprise me if somehow they get reversed if and when published in their blurb!
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