The Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) are running a campaign to save pubs. Whilst we all wish them well, when are they going to realise that this is a real battle, and that they are, thus far, about as useful as a plastic sword against a tank.
The graph above shows the gut-wrenching naiveté of these (admittedly well-meaning) guys. Times Lab were confused by the differing stats from pub-lovers and did a little investigation.
CGA’s figures (commissioned by the BBPA) differ markedly from CAMRA’s - the Campaign for Real Ale (shown above in green), but by CAMRA’s own admission, its survey hasn’t been going as long, isn’t as formal, and relies on reports from volunteers at its 200 branches around the country.
Relies on reports from volunteers? How scientific is that? Alcohol Concern is government funded, they will be looking at CAMRA and laughing their righteous socks off. AC have figures coming out of their ears, CAMRA have a load of guys in sweaters. Who were wrong. They are toast.
None of this is a surprise seeing as CAMRA rolled over and died at the mere whiff of a smoking ban. Their considered and intensive research was that their volunteers thought it was OK as long as they got their Old Peculiar from the old peculiar barmaid. Nothing to see here, and the missus likes it too as it doesn't make her beard smell.
Will CAMRA wake up in time to fight the bansturbating Pros that seek to denormalise them? The early evidence isn't encouraging, their leader is still in the appeasement stage.
The eagle-eyed will have spotted the (deliberate?) mistake in the Times graph, by the way. For the X axis, read 2007 for 2006 and so on. Figures for 2006 should have been four a week. It only leapt to 27 per week after a certain piece of legislation. Can you guess what it was?
Hint for CAMRA: It was the smoking ban. Now fucking wake up, or you're next.