Sunday, 26 April 2009

This Is Very Worrying

Internet demand may be outstripping supply according to recent research.

Internet users face regular “brownouts” that will freeze their computers as capacity runs out in cyberspace, according to research to be published later this year.

Now, this raises an important point. If one is to assume that growth of consu


Captain Ranty said...

Very fu

Mark Wadsworth said...

Luckily, we have this thing called 'price rationing' that ensures that quantity demanded never exceeds quantity sup

John Pickworth said...

I blame the rich fat cats and bankers...

Clearly they're the only people able to afford good quality bandwidth these days. Trouble is, they've buggered off abroad and taken the internet with them.

Unknown said...

And they couldn't see this coming?

Should have gone to specsavers...