Tuesday, 3 December 2013

If It's Good Enough For Alcohol And Tobacco ...

There really is no end to this once the gate is opened.

Interestingly, this kinda ridicules Debs Arnott's point about advertising in her denial of the obvious plain packs domino theory which we are now seeing in real life.
[...] the “domino theory” i.e. that once a measure has been applied to tobacco it will be applied to other products is patently false. The same argument was used against the ban on tobacco advertising, but 9 years after the tobacco ban in the UK, alcohol advertising is still permitted with no sign of it being prohibited.
Apart from the many 'signs' regularly hollered by the Royal College of Physicians, the BMA and Alcohol Concern, of course.

When there is a tobacco template in existence, no self-respecting prohibitionist would ever hesitate to follow it. All the more reason why the tobacco control industry should be cut off without a penny for the good of the country's future well-being.

H/T Moonrakin


SteveW said...

Petrol stations behind closed doors?
No visible markings to distinguish between one type of fuel or another - they're all equally harmful and why would I care if you put unleaded in your diesel car or vice versa?
There truly is no end to prohibitionist stupidity.

Bucko TheMoose said...

Fossil fuels?
Why is, "I've seen it all now", always followed shortly by, "I didn't see that coming"?

SĂ©an Billings said...

Hey! No cutting in line Josh! After tobacco and alcohol it's fast food. If we get the running order on the slippery slope mixed up, we could end up with a bunch of stuff stuck half way down.

the prog said...

The irony is that all service stations more or less sell exactly the same fuels.


DP said...

Dear Mr Puddlecote

Sometimes I wonder whether folk are just writing parody. The trouble with that is one may be taken seriously and start a new banned wagon.

Oxygen is a dangerous, corrosive element. There is no safe level of oxygen ...

Oh no, what have I done?


DP said...

PS Arguably there is no safe level of parody. DP

moonrakin said...

personally - as far as oxygen thief Josh 'effin Fox is concerned I'm all for saving him the harm that second (or even third or fourth) hand fossil fuels might cause. Let him get his message over with windmills, solar and recumbent bicycle generators - but Josh jets about like Monbioid eco royalty preaching his message of misanthropic doom funded by dead dictators, subverted philanthropic "Trusts" and nearly dead whack job billionaires.

If you are not already familiar with this self styled leader of downtrodden folk sh1tweasel (old Wiltshire term) you will almost certainly be familiar with his pale imitators / acolytes this side of the pond.

If you like seeing liars squirm - this :-)"

His speeches to rouse the faithfull are pure "know your enemy" stuff

truckerlyn said...

Everything in moderation! No need to ban anything then!

SadButMadLad said...

Josh Fox is part of the group of people who want us to live in that utopian fantasy called the medieval ages.

Legiron said...

So it's come full circle at last. Junican and Frank Davis have often said that the original 'blame the smokers' game was funded by the oil industry, to cover up the cancers caused by diesel in the 1950s.

Frankenstein's Monster has come home to get its creator. That gets a seasonal Ho ho ho from me. What happens next could be a lot of fun - as long as Mr. Fox doesn't accidentally fall into an oil well somewhere.

moonrakin said...

Causes fires it does - everybody wants to stop fires, fires are dangerous, fires are bad - stop fires - let's make some new laws to control the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere...... job done.