However, if you responded to the Scottish consultation earlier in the week - or if you find it sinister that the public are elbowed out of public consultations - you might be interested to read ADFUCK's effort. You see, theirs is the type of response which is taken very seriously by governments despite their membership clearly not being very bright at all. They certainly should in no way be considered 'experts' on anything except bullshit delivery. For example, they want all e-cig advertising banned, because ...
... advertising and the promotion of the points above could encourage individuals to begin or continue to vape.And why is it bad to vape?
Many nicotine vapourisers look similar to regular cigarettes, therefore sending mixed messages to the public about acceptance of smoking, with the potential of re-normalising smoking behaviours. Evidence supports the need for consistency in messages in trying to support behaviour change and culture change.Vaping is not smoking - the public know this very well, as does the Oxford English Dictionary. It is only the highly-paid - Lord knows why! - professional miseries in public health who seem too stupid to notice the difference.
Additionally, do you remember when 'public health' used to pretend their moral panic against tobacco was something about harming bystanders and that they had
We are concerned over the second hand effects of vapour on those with respiratory conditions (such as asthma), particularly when nicotine vapourisers are used in enclosed and substantially enclosed public places.Enclosed public spaces, did they say?
In our survey, 78% of Directors of Public Health who responded said that the restrictions and regulations relating to the use of smoked tobacco products in public places should also apply to nicotine vapourisers.Except that they also want 'tobacco products' - a category which clearly includes e-cigs judging from their brain-dead 're-normalisation' theory - banned in wide open spaces and car parks.
By introducing this legislation, into all hospital grounds, this will ensure the NHS in Scotland is in line with the recommendations set out in the Tobacco Control Strategy for Scotland, which also encourages NHS Scotland to demonstrate clear leadership regarding the creation of smoke free premises.And who do ADFUCK think should enforce this, indeed what should be the penalties?
We believe that this should be a cross-cutting exercise involving the Scottish Police Service, NHS and Local Authority enforcement staff.
We recommend that there should be an on the spot fine for those who are non-compliant.Just think about that for a moment and consider a scenario. You've accompanied your family member to hospital where they are either gravely ill or have suffered a sudden hospitalisation. You're stressed, upset, worried, perhaps even grieving.You go outside to collect your thoughts and leave the hospital building way behind, take a draw on your roll up or e-cig in the car park ... at which the police rock up and hand you a £50 on the spot fine.
These people truly disgust me. It's surely time for governments to stop listening to them.