Saturday, 3 January 2015

Link Tank 03/01

Six years and counting ...

Pet owners fight New York's Board of Health to repeal their ban on ... ferrets

Katie Hopkins' views are now considered matters for law enforcement, and it is utterly terrifying

Uber is "like something of the 21st century"

How to roll cancer sticks (pic)

Back by popular demand - the McRib!

"The heart-health benefits of drinking" beer, not wine

10 kickass things humanity did in 2014

4 Ways Neo-Victorianism Reared Its Ugly Head in 2014

11 things Back to the Future II predicted for 2015

Drunk bird songs


Sam Duncan said...

I don't know if you've been following GamerGate, Dick, but the interesting thing about it for those of us who are aware that it isn't the first time that the Social Justice mob have tried to take over a subculture is the way they're completely thrown by a forceful and determined resistance. It just doesn't compute for them, because that's never happened before. One of these days, public health will meet its GamerGate. I don't think #tryjanuary is it (more likely, the vaping community is a rather slower-burn - excuse the pun - version), but it's certainly an encouraging sign.

Patroller said...

Who cares.