Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Tomorrow Is Officially 'Double Up Smoking Day'

You know what they say about smokers. Irresponsible, anti-social, smelly, stupid, disgusting, better off dead etc**.

Well, may as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb, eh?

Since we're excluded from decent society these days, why not try doubling intake on No Smoking Day instead, they hate us anyway so may as well. Or, as non-smoking originator Gotty (at OR's pad) suggests for those whose lifestyle hasn't been denormalised (yet).

Last year, I bought a pack of cigarettes and lit them all up in support but on reflection that was a bit of a waste of cigarettes. This year I intend to buy a couple of packs of twenty, for my two best mates, and help them both to double up for the day. Sorted!
Plus, there's always the chance that No Smoking Day President, Duncan Bannatyne, may throw a puerile fascistic tantrum on Twitter again if he hears about it, you never know.

What we really need, of course, is a 'Keep Your Big Fat Interfering Nose Out Of Other People's Business Day', but there's no cash for fake charities in that idea.

** 64 comment contributions of sick anti-smoker psychosis thus far, keep 'em coming.