Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Cataloguing Psychosis

I'm starting a new tag. It's an idea from way back, but Leg Iron's little run-in yesterday reminded me. Think of it more as an easily-accessible ongoing catalogue of mindless verbal excretions by state-encouraged, anti-smoking hatemongers.

To explain, here is an example from Philip Johnston's excellent piece today calling for a small amendment to allow segregated choice - still keeping non-smokers well away from smoke, remember - for all.

Smoke in your own home. Get cancer. Die.

Just keep it away from me, that's all I ask.

This, ironically, was from the same guy who elsewhere professed to be happy that smokers were outside, away from "decent" people.

A couple more to further illustrate.

[...] let's have free loaded pistols for use by these smokers there too so that they can end their pathetic lives in a dignified way and save us and our already burdened health systems a lot of problems.


"But what about the rights of smokers?"

They have the right to die. That's it.

Right, I think you get the gist.

As is customary with procrastination, it's an idea I wish I'd started a lot earlier. Because since July 2007 (in fact, since the Health Act was passed), a lot of water has passed under the bridge, and thousands of equally hideous insults, threats, disgusting ad homs, and inhuman ill-wishing has slipped by without record.

For example, I vaguely remember one - possibly the standard bearer for all such bile-spitting - which simply stated the erudite caps-locked opinion, "SMOKERS. DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! [repeated 30+ times]".

The great thing is ... anyone can join in. If you spot a suitable admission, simply scroll to the "Psycho Antis" tag on the right to bring up a cataloguing post (yes, there is only one at the moment but I'm thinking ahead) and add your 'find' in the comments. I may even cobble together a sidebar badge to lead you straight there.

Just a few guidelines (we do so hate rules here):

1) When adding your quote, please provide a link/URL to where the original can be found.
2) Keep to the egregious type of insult (eg. die, cancer, poison, rot, stupidity etc), as if we listed every one it would run into tens of thousands in a couple of weeks.
3) Avoid the clichés (eg. urinate on you, fart in your face etc.), we want imaginitive psychotic utterances please, not just dull regurgitation.

That's about it. So if you ever spot anything, anywhere, so objectionable that it deserves wider recognition, pop it over here and when we have enough, we can vote on a top ten of the vilest **.

Then scatter, my pretties, to the dark bowels of righteousness and seek evil wherever it may be found (not sure it'll take much seeking, to be honest).

** And the whole thing would make a great list to send to MPs too, doncha think?