Saturday 1 December 2012

Cheers To The New Year!

The past couple of weeks have seen miserable anti-drink nannies crawling all over the airwaves like cockroaches at a jungle trial.

All leave was cancelled as they tried to put lipstick on Cameron's pig of minimum alcohol pricing from Wednesday, just after the seven days of turgid, mendacious, fear-mongering righteousness which was alcohol awareness week. In amongst all this was Alcohol Concern's lame money-raising exercise, Dry January.

In response, Giolla has set up a little bit of mischief to get some true facts out about the moral panicking which the BBC, especially, seem so keen to stoke. His site is called Drinkuary which is already populated with some cogent info and resources as what he describes as "a quiet counter argument" to the shrill nannying. Do go have a good look around and even contribute if you're so inclined.

Encouragingly, it has started off much more than quiet. The accompanying Facebook page currently boasts nearly 900 supporters as against the 542 who have signed up at Alcohol Concern to ring the new year in with a whimper. If you're on social media, do consider joining the Drinkuary page and sharing it with your friends. You might also consider signing, and sharing, the Number 10 e-petition against minimum pricing if you haven't already.

While we're on the subject, it could hearten you to read a couple of developments on minimum alcohol pricing today. At ConHome, Tory MP Angie Bray tells us what everyone but David Cameron seems to know, that minimum pricing is not a policy Conservatives should be pursuing.

Meanwhile, what she probably didn't know when writing her piece is that the Taxpayers' Alliance have calculated Cameron's madness will cost the taxpayer £655 million per year, which I suspected on Thursday.

Enjoy your Saturday night, Mrs P is opening a nice bottle of Chilean as we speak, err, so to speak. Cheers!


Bucko TheMoose said...

Cheers! I'm on the homebrew myself, and it's quite a nice batch

The Filthy Engineer said...

I'm on my third glass of merlot. I may have a couple of whiskeys as well.

Ivan D said...

I would sign the e-petition but today it is the captcha that doesn't work.. Is Dave really this influential or am I becoming paranoid?

Alan Bates said...

Last night it was a rather good Islay whisky. Smoky, peaty and not as raw as Laphraoig.

A pleasant nightcap that I most certainly won't be giving up for Lent January. Why should I?

nisakiman said...

Ah, none of that silliness here where I live. Just got home from a baptism, Greek style. After the church thingy, where the poor kid had been immersed in a bowl of cold water (and understandably screamed throughout) we all decamped to Georgo's (the father) bar and proceeded to consume countless gallons of wine and eat shitloads of food. A good time was had by all. In spades. This is how life should be. We don't need nanny hectoring us from the periphery. We are all capable of ordering our own lives, thank you very much. We need no advice. So alcohol awareness week or whatever, kindly fuck off out of my life.

nisakiman said...

Did my comment end up in the spambox? Or did I hit the wrong button? No matter, my favourite app allows me to copy and paste it back. Reprised from a couple of hours ago:

Ah, none of that silliness here where I live. Just got home from a
baptism, Greek style. After the church thingy, where the poor kid had
been immersed in a bowl of cold water (and understandably screamed
throughout) we all decamped to Georgo's (the father) bar and proceeded
to consume countless gallons of wine and eat shitloads of food. A good
time was had by all. In spades. This is how life should be. We don't
need nanny hectoring us from the periphery. We are all capable of
ordering our own lives, thank you very much. We need no advice. So
alcohol awareness week or whatever, kindly fuck off out of my life.

Dick_Puddlecote said...

Yes, sorry. Just noticed it got trapped by the bleedin' spam filter. Apols.

nisakiman said...

No matter. As you can probably tell from the tone of the comment, I was shitfaced and not making a lot of sense anyway...