Monday, 20 May 2013

Shhh, Don't Tell The Food Snobs

In their down-time, the little Ps occasionally play a globally popular online game. On different computers, they can compete and 'see' each other within cyberspace as well as interact with each other or with players from all around the world.

It's a massive site with such a huge amount of tricky levels that it allows almost endless game-play. Being so very popular, it constantly requires more new difficult-to-negotiate areas so encourages users to design and submit their own environments.

Here are a couple the little Ps came across at the weekend (click to enlarge) I'm told it is one of dozens of similar 'obbys' (puzzles, to we crusties).

Note also the challenges listed to the right of the screen.

Complete with a slice of pizza? I did chuckle.

There is a worldwide tour 'convention' for this game, so popular is it amongst kids and teens. Their continent-hopping roadshow visits this country in a couple of months and the best session times were sold out in a matter of days when announced. 

Can you imagine the reaction if food snobs (cos they're not about health either) were to discover this? We could expect hastily-arranged bent studies on the health dangers of online games; furious fantasy calculations of how many kids will die by seeing the Pizza Hut logo; accusations of kids being paid 'Big Food' stooges; and a host of the usual suspects going all Helen Lovejoy while they attack the website developers 

So keep it under your hat, yeah? 


Lysistrata Eleftheria said...

Oh, it's hard being a parent trying to bring up your kids to think for themselves and become independent, isn't it? Our youngest (now 28) went to Cubs, then Scouts. The Scout Hut was all of 6 mins walk away through our pretty safe Yorkshire village. We usually dropped him off (pressure of time) but encouraged him to walk back on his own. Aged 9 - 10. At 7.30 pm. Got the phone calls from the Scout Leader even back then in mid 90s: It's not safe, you should pick him up. It's a Yorkshire village, not downtown Harlem. Other parents pick their kids up. We're not other parents. We can't be held responsible for him. We don't hold you responsible. So you're not going to pick him up? No. Scouts is supposed to be about independence isn't it? Yes. Well, he's learning independence isn't he? Like, not to be fucking scared to walk through his own fucking village at 10 years old FFS. Well, OK. Too right, OK. And dib dob woggle to you too.
True story.
(sorry couldn't be arsed to put all the speech quotations in and it would look too messy.)

Dick_Puddlecote said...

If they were so concerned, they could have given him a lift home themselves instead couldn't they?

Thanks for the anecdote. It reminds me greatly of this from 2011.

nisakiman said...

When I was 8 - 9 years old, my trip to school every day involved a walk of about a mile to the train station, then a half-hour train journey to Reading, then two local bus journeys followed by about a half-mile walk to the school building. And of course the reverse on the way home. This was not considered remarkable in the slightest back in the late 50s - indeed, the train on arrival at Reading station disgorged dozens of kids of a similar age going to various schools in the area. I don't recollect there being a paedophile hiding behind every bush, nor any other danger that couldn't be avoided by a reasonably intelligent child.

The "Think of the cheeldren" mob have definitely lost the plot, and to the detriment of a whole generation.

Macheath said...

Can't see that happening, somehow - in today's climate, very few of those who work with children would risk getting into a car with one.

Just ask the Newcastle teacher who lost his job when he gave a lift home to a 17-year-old pupil who had forgotten his bus fare.
(Telegraph, December 2011)