Tuesday, 7 May 2013

[Watch] Tobacco Control Industry Lunacy Broadcast Live Today From **12:30pm**

Today, the EU are holding a workshop to discuss the terms of the Tobacco Products Directive which relate to e-cigs. As you can imagine from the pharma-led morons in Brussels, it is specifically designed to be a whitewash.

The opening comments will be delivered by a Labour MEP who I described as - and continue to believe is - the most dangerous European alive today. She will be followed by a series of carefully selected tobacco control extremists who will advance their ridiculous reasons as to why e-cigs should be banned.

No, seriously, just look at the presentations they are set to deliver. The e-cig consumer body ECITA gives more information on the unsuitability of contributors here.

Proceedings begin at 12:30pm and you can watch it all live at this page.

I would highly recommend you do so, for two reasons.

1) It will illustrate - as if it were needed - the wilful disregard the EU has for democracy and balanced debate.

2) It will show conclusively that the EU is an organisation more interested in self-perpetuating than looking after its citizens in a responsible manner.

And 3) it will show you how extremist tobacco control bastards operate, because it ain't ever been about health.

They won't bother to listen to their own committee which says they shouldn't even be discussing e-cigs, nor will they acknowledge that the proposals were drafted by a sacked commissioner who is still under investigation for bribery, and whose successor is disastrously ignorant of basic facts.

Nope, they will go through the motions with tired and discredited arguments, then decamp to a restaurant in the Grand Place at our expense and discuss how great they have been in protecting Pfizer profits.

Watch it here, live, and try not to get too angry.


Fred Barboo said...

Yeah...thanks for the link....

My blood pressure is growing by the minute.

Jens Mellin said...

The well planned Workshop - It was a disaster for Ms McAvans :)

c777 said...

Cucking Funts.

John Davidson said...

As the EU titanic sank the band played on!

Mark.S said...

What on earth was that, a workshop or a kangaroo court.

Dick_Puddlecote said...

I was OK until Blasi started his conspiracy theories about secondhand vapour setting off asthma attacks. Asthmatics best stand well clear of kettles then, and avoid concerts/nightclubs for fear of smoke machines.

Dick_Puddlecote said...

Loved it when she got angry that it wasn't quite going as she had hoped. There's a nasty temper under that Jonathan Ross style trouble with the letter R. ;)

Dick_Puddlecote said...

It was better than I thought it would be. Some MEPs have clued themselves up, and Dr Etter questioned the lack of the Emperor's clothes re the junk science being presented.

The ever-present Florence Berteletti Kemp still retained her title as the most hideous person in any Brussels tobacco control room though.

Dick_Puddlecote said...

The tobacco control industry mostly don't understand the idea of people who don't wish to quit but are considering reducing harm. The 'workshop' today featured a split within public health ranks which McAvan commented on as it seemed to be a surprise to her.

Former ASH Director Clive Bates described it as "the split is between those who care about public health, and those who think bashing 'industry' is why they get paid"


This is precisely the current situation.

Rursus said...

Yeah... Lot´s of "hands waving" and calling "lobbying" at the end ;) Liked that... looked like a windmill for Don Quichotte :D

west2 said...

I wrote to Dr Siegel 3/4 years ago on the subject of e-cigs, no reply.

I stopped commenting on Dr Siegel's blog, over a year ago, as it seemed to be a testing ground for Tobacco Control Policirs despite his protestations.

Dick_Puddlecote said...

He's still a tobacco controller with ingrained pseudo-scientific view, no doubt. But his stance on e-cigs is sound and he has been getting increasingly confrontational against anti-smokers who want to ban or restrict them.

Mark.S said...

Well, certainly did illustrate the two reasons you made for watching the broadcast.

John Davidson said...

The FCTC must be comming apart at the SEAMS,I can just here Ol simone Chapman changing is bloody tampon now!!!


Dominican Republic Welcomes Cuba Joining Legal Challenge to Australia’s Plain Packaging Law

* Reuters is not responsible for the content in this press release.

Tue May 7, 2013 11:28am EDT

Geneva, May 7th 2013 – Following yesterday’s reports that Cuba
planned to challenge Australia’s tobacco laws at the World Trade
Organization, the government of the Dominican Republic issued the
following statement:

“With Cuba’s decision to request WTO consultations, we are hearing
the chorus of voices opposing Australia’s plain packaging law continuing
to grow.

“We welcome Cuba’s decision to join the list of developing countries
that are fighting for the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of
tobacco workers. Destroying the fabric of trademarks, high-quality
brands, and geographical indications, the reputations of which took
decades to develop, is not an effective way to reduce smoking. In
taking this unprecedented step, Cuba is recognizing that Australia’s
unfounded law will only drive consumers away from its high-end products
and destroy a major part of the country’s cultural heritage.”

Im telling ya folkss the fight is fast comming to an end…..

John Davidson said...

I dare him everytime to finally drop the propaganda and get on the side of the virtuous pro-smokers and beg firgiveness from the public!

John Davidson said...

hehehe Tea kettles at tea time!!lmao

Junican said...

I have tried every-which-way I can to see the broadcast of the 'workshop' meeting, but I cannot find it. I have tried 'vapourtrails' and the EU official video channel, but I cannot find a way to view and hear the discussion.

Does anyone know how?

Michael McFadden said...

For a contrast you might want to watch the City Council work-meeting today in St. Joseph's, Missouri. Unfortunately, the council is largely pro-ban, BUT there's disagreement about whether to include the money-making casino. I believe there are votes that could swing both ways depending on whether the casino is included or not. I have only watched the first 20 minutes or so but it looks interesting so far. It's 90 minutes total, with most of the second half evidently being citizens at the podium. See: http://stjoseph.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=2&clip_id=165


Miles Dolphin said...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BakbkrE7L0 posted it as David Dorn instead of VTTV