I've just become a passionate advocate of women's rights.
Welcome to GoTopless.org! - We are a US organization, claiming that women have the same constitutional right to be bare chested in public places as men.
Maitreya Rael, spiritual leader and founder of goTopless.org states: "as long as men can be topless, constitutionally women should have the same right"
With you all the way, sisters. Where do I sign?
Gotta get Mary Honeyball onto this, I'm sure she'll be right behind them (though hopefully not actually joining in).
They have my support.
(Or not, as the case may be).
It's the idea of the likes of Mary Honeyball taking part that possibly puts you off the idea...
Could Honeyball be allowed to take part? She does after all have a track record of not really being 'abreast' of things and going off 'half-cock'? This could, of course, be due to the 'virginal' attitude of herself that she projects?
Mind youm, if she did get involved, with her inability to do anything properly the whole idea would only go 'tits-up'!
Curmudgeon: That thought did occur to me too. Look at the GoTopless site though, there are some very fine examples of why we should support this. ;-)
I'm sure that so long as Honeyballs was behind by quite some distance we'd be all right.
Or possibly behind them and also behind a bloody big sightscreen..?
Just out of curiosity Dick, how did you happen across this particular site..?
A Google search for 'tits'. What did you expect? ;-)
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