Friday 13 April 2012

Questions We Can Answer Conclusively

Reacting to the announcement that a consultation will be launched on Monday (16 April) the British Retail Consortium (BRC) is asking why its members have just been forced to spend nearly £16 million refitting stores in England to keep tobacco products out of sight when plain packaging is about to make that utterly pointless.
Because they're idiots who struggle to understand what they're doing, of course. It's not just Lansley, either.

Pickles, Lansley, Cameron, Clegg, Huhne, Milton, Osborne. All of them ... totally fucking clueless.

Call your lawyers, BRC, sue for every penny back and then some.



Said it before,we have a one party state and we have the pompous prat
Cameron lecturing the Burmese about Multi Party democracy,only
problem being ,we still have a lot of "pretend" Tories ,including a number of dildo Tory bloggers snivelling their approval
In a few weeks the unquestioning Tory faithfull will X their ballot papers
to endorse the leaders lies and deceptions

Ex Tory,had enough,lets get shut


Mark.S said...

There is really a disconnect with the voter on this one.

ivandenisovich said...

I completely agree. They are utter idiots who do not deserve any respect from the people they claim to represent. Rarely has a government alienated so many people so quickly for so many different reasons. Sadly, Milliband and his mates would be just as likely to pander to the extremists as the current lot. Virtually nobody supports these policies but the autocratic DH presses on regardless. What happened to will of the majority and all that stuff? Perhaps Cameron will be exporting our fine tradition of tolerance compromise and democracy to Burma? I used to be proud of my country but not under these people. Tar and feathers anyone?  

Dick_Puddlecote said...

Perhaps that's why he feels comfortable talking to Burma now, there's a connection which didn't exist before. ;)

It made me laugh hollowly hearing him talk about freedom and democracy. The same hollow laugh on hearing dicks like this talking about how they have a "strong libertarian streak". 

CDB said...

While the (pussy) cat's away the mice will play!

Squeaker Lansley has spoken for the whole of HIS Party and put his new friends well above the Cabinet, Parliament democracy and the people and proved even the lowest of the low tower above his base principles.

He's not a mouse. He's a RAT and will rat on anyone and everyone.

More proof if any is needed that Cameron has lost what little control he had.

Steve Brown said...

Went into a supermarket this afternoon for a packet of fags. The fags were all on display with the shutters up. After queuing I asked the lady who served me if the shutters didn't have to be down. She said that the shutters had to be closed after each sale. I asked why the shutters were up all the time.
"It's because we're the bloody tobacco counter, that's why!" came the immediate reply. "Every bloody sale is fags or baccy. We've got no time to be opening and closing those bloody things."
'Nuff said!!

Mr A said...

Several articles in the MSM today on why the Tories are becoming increasingly unpopular.  As per usual they ignore the elephant in the room and focus on pasty taxes etc.  But is it just (yet another coincidence) that a party's popularity takes a massive pop after introducing more illiberal healthist legislation?  I've lost count of the number of people (smokers AND non-smokers) who have said to me in the last few weeks, "I hoped the Tories would be different.  They're not" or "All the parties are the same."  And they're not talking about their Europhilia or their tax policies or their troughing on expenses.  They're talking about the continued persecution of smokers.  Do they really think they can harass 15,000,000 people WITHOUT there being consequences?  Most non-smokers don't give a damn about smoking, which is why the ASHites have had their way for so long.  But I have heard a lot of people, as I say including MANY non-smokers, complaining about how they think this "persecution" and yes - a non-smoker used that word - was going"too far", was "ridiculous" and "don't they have better things to be doing?"  

One day, someone at Whitehall will work out that supporting this sort of illiberal, ASHite nonsense is political suicide.  Unfortunately, given the general intelligence of those in Westminster I suspect this won't be for quite some time.

SadButMadLad said...

LOL! Politicians and their friends just don't understand real life do they. They would want the shutter closed after every sale even for a few milliseconds. Then the shutter wears out and breaks. They hadn't thought of that had they?

SadButMadLad said...

LOL! Politicians and their friends just don't understand real life do they. They would want the shutter closed after every sale even for a few milliseconds. Then the shutter wears out and breaks. They hadn't thought of that had they?

Vapingpoint said...

 Oh I've had such a laugh! hehehehehe - great working class humour - STRAIGHT to the point.

Mudplugger said...

Let's hope they get a big message on May 3rd - I shall be voting UKIP as the 'best of the rest' - if everyone did that, the message might just start to get through.