Sunday 8 April 2012

This ...

... is the 2,000th article at Dick Puddlecote.

In the past three and a half-ish years, they have elicited 16,259 comments from just over 990,000 page views, which may or may not include click throughs from around 750 RSS subscribers. Last month's visits show that jewel thievery has never been more popular.

Many thanks to everyone who has popped by here since your host started with this 'tabloid junk' (© Bad Science), I read every contribution even if I don't have time or opportunity to add anything.

We're far from finished yet, though. That Lansley needs sorting for a start, I feel another little excursion coming on. Fancy it?


Lou said...

Lansley? Look forward to a first class character assassination!

Tabloid Junk? Nah... that's Murdoch, MSM and The Independent.

Bad Science ©? Seems to me that's what they produce.

Prodigious output, well done, with passion. Great place to visit.


Jay said...


Ugh, that Lansley thing.  What a "maroon!"  We need "to arrive at a place" where politicians like him are not normal.  So sort it!

…Zaph said...

Here's to the next two thousand, and I'm sure the other 749 RSS subscribers would agree with me.

As for Lansley & the others of his ilk, I'm picturing a seasonally appropriate re-enactment of the final scene of The Life Of Brian…

nisakiman said...

Well done DP.

You've become a daily read for me, and surprisingly I find I rarely disagree with what you have to say on any given subject. I'll raise a glass to you later when I finish work! Long may your output continue.

lleweton said...

Hear Hear ! And many thanks.

Junican said...

Good show, DP.

George Speller said...

My first port of call. Also a very easy site to point newbies at - every time an outdoor protest group meets at the pub. Thanks for being there.

Mudplugger said...

It's not only Lansley, it's the whole of this abysmal Pink-Dave government, which is proving every bit as nannying as it's awful predecessor.  They promised to roll back the State and repeal the nanny nonsense, yet they're just making it worse. 
We shall remember - they will never get our votes again - it's UKIP, English Democrats, anyone, or even spoilt papers, anything but giving support to these disreputable charlatans.

But well done DP - keep holding them to account and we'll keep backing you.

Jaxthefirst said...

Congratulations, Dick, on 2000 great items and for encouraging some great comments from your regular readers!  Yes, another excursion sounds interesting.  By the way, what happened about the "stroll" on 31st March?  I heard lots about it beforehand, but then - silence.  I didn't know if it was going on or not (I assumed not).  Or was it just roundly ignored as being too embarrassing for the press to report?

Tony said...

I am a new daily reader (along with Leg Irons and a couple of others) keep up the great work you are doing a fine job!

Steve Brown said...

Congratulations, from a regular lurker.

Lyn said...

Jay, politicians like him are NOT normal!  Very few of them are and never will be as they come from elitist backgrounds and do not have a clue what REAL life and living in the REAL world is all about!

Lyn said...

Absolutely brilliant, DP, keep it up.

Jay said...

I know, Lyn.  It's not only their backgrounds and education, but ego.

Lyn said...

Very true Jay.  Perhaps the NHS should (sorry, the private medical companies) develop a procedure to remove heads from bums!

nemesis said...

Love to hear more about your excursion plans - especially if it is near London.

Dick_Puddlecote said...

Changed my mind about the excursion. But replaced that idea with one for London instead if all goes well. Keep 'em peeled. ;)