Thursday 30 September 2010

The E-cig Makes Its Mainstream Debut

Yeah, I'd never heard of her before either, but I now count Katherine Heigl as one of my biggest fans (or did I get that the wrong way round?).

For those who may have read the articles over at Leg Iron's (and occasionally here) about 'electrofag', but have never seen one so don't have a frame of reference, this will be of interest. Here, in glorious technicolour on the David Letterman show, is the e-cig breaking into mainstream consciousness.

Note her assertion that Champix, the smoking cessation drug of choice for the NHS despite deep worries about its side effect of inducing suicidal urges, sent her "bananas", and that she wasn't too enamoured with patches and gum either. No, the device which helped her to quit the fragrant herb was the very product which ...

... both the USA and the UK are trying to ban.

Trebles all round in the tobacco industry, then.


Angry Exile said...

She is or was (not sure which) in Grey's Annoying Me and we have the chromosomes to watch that show. Still, on point, famous actress from (s)hit TV show, very easy on the eye, uses an e-ciggie on well known talk show... best bloody advertising the e-cigs manufacturers could possibly have dreamed of. The Big Pharma boys will be throwing darts at pictures of her for months.

Angry Exile said...

PS - and I loved the way she blew out the unsmoke and asked if she was going to get arrested by the PC police. So true. You could hear a few of the audience gasp as if she'd just put a baby's hand in a blender and was threatening to switch it on.

BTS said...

Dude, they put the babies' hands in the blender at the factory where they make the nicotine catridges. To make it easier to mix with the polonium and the demon jism. You only need the baby/ies and the blender with you if you're, like, rolling your own, so to speak.

Best to clarify as we wouldn't want people to be misinformed now, would we..?

Dick Puddlecote said...

AE: Top advertising indeed, and yes, the gasps from the audience were both satisfying and weep-inducing at the same time.

Actually, far more weep-inducing if I'm honest. :(

Angry Exile said...

I know I keep saying this but I really must get some cigarettes purely for entertainment purposes. We can't find the emergency pack of giving up fags fags after all this time (probably been nicked by some spiders so they can become even more deadly - "What'll it be, mate, leg full of venom or secondary smoking?") but I've still got a small pocket ashtray and my Zippo. The idea of sitting in front of some Righteous and producing all the paraphernalia of smoking a piece at a time - packet, lighter, cigarette, ashtray, cigarette in mouth - without ever actually lighting up is very appealing. It's like mental torture except it's really just letting them torture themselves over it. And all the while I'd be stirring the confusion by telling them I don't smoke. Hey, I wonder if I could get away with holding a lit cigarette. Me? No, mate, I'm not smoking. I'm just minding it for someone else.

PS - of course my first post should have said we *don't* have the right chromosomes. Duh.

ElectronicCigFan said...

I love my ecig, the same one that she's using. Since I started using it I haven't touched a single cig since!