Friday 29 May 2015

Celebrate #FagDay

The World Harm Organisation has designated Sunday as World No Tobacco Day and this year's theme is the illicit trade, as their press release explains.
"The illicit tobacco trade offers products at lower prices, primarily by avoiding government taxes through smuggling, illegal manufacturing and counterfeiting. Cheaper tobacco encourages younger tobacco users (who generally have lower incomes) and cuts government revenues, reducing the resources available for socioeconomic development, especially in low-income countries that depend heavily on consumption taxes. This money might otherwise be spent on the provision of public services, including health care."
They've got some neck, haven't they, considering the WHO's FCTC has demanded global taxes, bans and restrictions on the legal product which are solely responsible for making tobacco such an increasingly profitable trade for criminals. Good grief.

I'll miss their self-righteous circle jerk on Sunday as (weather permitting) I'll be watching some cricket with - contrary to the WHO's bleating - an e-cig and a fat cigar for the lunch interval. Still, before they embark upon their miserable 'stop-doing-that-cos-I-don't-like-it' Sunday - quite an appropriate day for the new religion of 'public health', I thought - we can all celebrate something far more friendly and genial.

So, why not crack your pack and offer someone a tab today - on #FagDay - in the spirit of admiration and respect for your fellow man. It's a nigh on century long tradition doncha know.


What the.... said...

They've got some neck, haven't they…..

These [unelected] prohibitionists are megalomaniacal wankers super-wankers. They lobby for ever-increasing extortionate taxes with frothing-at-the-mouth zeal. It’s pointed out time and again... time and again.... and again... to these nut cases that extortionate
taxes will foster a contraband market. “Don’t be absurd”, squeal the zealots.
“That’s a myth promoted by the [evil] tobacco industry”.

Guess what? When a contraband market does indeed flourish concomitant with escalating extortionate taxes, the prohibitionists then play dumb. “It’s got nothing to do with us. The contraband market just popped up out
of thin air one night solely to thwart our wonderful work”. These dills with a
“god complex” are incapable of entertaining the idea that there are any
detrimental consequences…. ever… from their conduct. According to them only sunshine radiates from their every orifice. A flourishing contraband market must be laid squarely at the doorstep of these dangerously stupid people. The contraband market, an entirely foreseeable phenomenon, is ONLY….. SOLELY….. due to their dystopian smokefree “vision”. Consider the case of Australia. A contraband market has been flourishing for years due to extortionate taxes. So what does the government do 2 years ago? It slaps on the biggest excise-tax hike on tobacco ever, spread over a 4-year period, egged on by the pop-eyed prohibitionist choir, “more taxes, more taxes”. The sheer magnitude of the nincompoopery defies sane description. It’s an insatiable greed that might best be understood in a “twilight zone” context. But this is what happens when prohibitionists are given a red-carpet ride by the State. And this derangement is still on the rise; the stupidity hasn’t yet peaked. Sanity, oh sanity, where art thou,
It surely isn’t at the WHO or in all of the dimwit governments that
have hogtied their nations to the WHO FCTC.

What the.... said...

"The illicit tobacco trade offers products at lower prices, primarily by avoiding government taxes through smuggling, illegal manufacturing and counterfeiting. Cheaper tobacco encourages younger tobacco users (who generally have lower incomes) and cuts government revenues, reducing
the resources available for socioeconomic development, especially in low-income countries that depend heavily on consumption taxes. This money might otherwise be spent on the provision of public services, including health care."

Take a bow, nitwits of the WHO and brain-dead governments that do your deluded bidding. You’re entirely, completely, totally responsible for it.

nisakiman said...

They've got some neck, haven't they, considering the WHO's FCTC has
demanded global taxes, bans and restrictions on the legal product which
are solely responsible for making tobacco such an increasingly
profitable trade for criminals. Good grief.

And the breathtakingly disconcerting aspect of the whole affair is that they spout this rubbish without even a hint of shame! They are in total denial.

Surely they must be aware that is their policies, and their policies alone that have spawned the black market in tobacco?

The way things are going, DP, you may well find yourself getting your e-liquid off the man with a van in a pub car park in the not too distant future.

varangarian said...

I have just enjoyed a good Cohiba BHK 54, I wasn't going to smoke on Sunday, however I might change my plans now. Perhaps a Partagas Serie E.

What the.... said...

They've got some neck, haven't they…..

These [unelected] prohibitionists are megalomaniacal wankers super-wankers. They lobby for ever-increasing extortionate taxes with foaming-at-the-mouth zeal. It’s pointed out time and again …. time and again… and again… to these nut cases that extortionate taxes will foster a contraband market. “Don’t be absurd”, squeal the zealots. “That’s a myth promoted by the [evil] tobacco industry”.

Guess what? When a contraband market does indeed flourish concomitant with escalating extortionate taxes, the prohibitionists then play dumb. “It’s got nothing to do with us. The contraband market just popped up out
of thin air one night solely to thwart our wonderful work”. These dills with a
“god complex” are incapable of entertaining the idea that there are any
detrimental consequences…. ever… from their fanatical/hysterical/incompetent conduct. According to them only sunshine radiates from their every orifice. A flourishing contraband market must be laid squarely at the doorstep of these dangerously stupid people. The contraband market, an entirely foreseeable phenomenon, is only….. solely….. due to their dystopian smokefree/vapefree/anything-that-looks-like-smoking-free/tobaccofree “vision”.

What the.... said...

They've got some neck, haven't they…..

These [unelected] prohibitionists are megalomaniacal super-wankers. They lobby for ever-increasing extortionate taxes with foaming-at-the-mouth
zeal. It’s pointed out time and again …. time and again… and again… to these nut cases that extortionate taxes will foster a contraband market. “Don’t be absurd”, squeal the zealots. “That’s a myth promoted by the [evil] tobacco industry”.

Guess what? When a contraband market does indeed flourish concomitant with escalating extortionate taxes, the prohibitionists then play dumb. “It’s got nothing to do with us. The contraband market just popped up out
of thin air one night solely to thwart our wonderful work”. These dills with a
“god complex” are incapable of entertaining the idea that there are any
detrimental consequences…. ever… from their fanatical/hysterical/incompetent conduct. According to them only sunshine radiates from their every orifice. A flourishing contraband market must be laid squarely at the doorstep of these dangerously stupid people. The contraband market, an entirely foreseeable phenomenon, is only….. solely….. due to their dystopian smokefree/tobaccofree/vapefree/anything-that-looks like-smoking-free “vision”.

Consider the case of Australia. A contraband market has been flourishing for years due to extortionate taxes. So what does the government do 2 years ago? It slaps on the biggest excise-tax hike on tobacco ever, spread over a 4-year period, egged on by the pop-eyed prohibitionist choir, “more taxes, more taxes”. The magnitude of the nincompoopery defies sane
description. It’s an insatiable greed that might best be understood in a
“twilight zone” context. But this is what happens when prohibitionists are
given a red-carpet ride by the State. And this derangement is still on the rise; the stupidity hasn’t yet peaked. Sanity, oh sanity, where art thou,
It surely isn’t at the WHO or in all of the dimwit governments that have hogtied their nations to the WHO FCTC.

What the.... said...

Consider the case of Australia. A contraband market has been flourishing for years due to extortionate taxes. So what does the government do 2 years ago? It slaps on the biggest excise-tax
hike on tobacco ever, spread over a 4-year period, egged on by the pop-eyed prohibitionist choir, “more taxes, more taxes”. The magnitude of the nincompoopery defies sane description. It’s an insatiable greed that might best be understood in a “twilight zone” context. But this is what happens when prohibitionists are given a red-carpet ride by the State. And this derangement is still on the rise; the stupidity hasn’t yet peaked. Sanity, oh sanity, where art thou, sanity? It surely isn’t at the WHO or in all of the dimwit governments that have hogtied their nations to the WHO FCTC.

Sam Duncan said...

“This money might otherwise be spent on the provision of public services, including health care.”

Or it might be left in the pockets of the people who earned it, to be used as they require.

There's layer upon layer of brass neck here. Not only is this state of affairs their fault, but they also take the usual neo-fascist line that your money is, somehow, not yours, and that the people who are really entitled to it will (against a mountian of evidence to the contrary) spend it much more wisely and productively than you bozos ever could.

Happy Fag Day, everyone. Delenda est WHO.

jmshigham said...

Yes, I'll need to buy a pack for this event.

Junican said...

The Zealot knew very well what would happen, but "The Plan" required that smoking be virtually banned before actually starting on tobacco itself. But strange things are now beginning to appear. The fact now is that the matter of contraband has nothing to do with tobacco control. It is a police and customs matter.
A few months ago, there was a consultation about putting a stop to the import of 'raw' tobacco. Although I am as sure as I can be that tobacco control had a hand in it, the consultation came from customs, essentially. I think that Pritty Patel's department was involved. As we know, 'raw' tobacco is classed by the EU as an agricultural product. It can thus be freely traded. The idea of customs is that importers must be licensed/registered. However, Ireland rejected that idea. Perhaps the EU told them that it was not on. Incidentally, they were also toying with the idea of classing home grown green leaves in much the same way.
As I pointed out in my reply to the consultation: 'Do customs think that groups importing large quantities of 'raw' tobacco to make cigs are going through legitimate channels?'

Bandit 1 said...

Socialists / fascists / top-down-control freaks. They don't understand human nature. Never have, never will.

Which wouldn't matter two shits except they make their problem everyone else's.

truckerlyn said...

Dangerously stupid, Yes, however as none of these morons live in the 'REAL' world is seems that this sort of natural follow on from their ever increasing taxes, etc just doesn't compute! Don't get me wrong, I am NOT defending them, just pointing out the REAL problem, which is those born with the proverbial silver spoon and go on to earn fantastic sums of money for doing very little should NEVER be in these jobs! To do the work they apparently do it requires at least a large dose of input from ORDINARY people who ACTUALLY know how life in the REAL WORLD works!

truckerlyn said...

Black Market, perhaps?

jude said...

This is precisely why they are in such a hurry to ban vapour products, because they are the greatest threat to the tobacco tax gravy train that the government has seen so far. $10 billion AUD is a lot of money for a cash strapped gov. As for the black market tobacco products, the zealots, like Chapman and Daube, just run around the various media twats and shout that "its not happening" , despite all evidence to the contrary. If anyone dares contradict their "opinion" they are dismissed as shills, or addicts.

The government have caught their collective foreskins in their collective zippers, the more they try to extricate themselves, the more pain they are inflicting on themselves. The hypocrisy of their position is glaring and sane people are coming to the only logical conclusion when looking at the lies coming from tobacco control, fake charities, and the government.

If their insanity wasn't so harmful to ordinary people, it would be hilarious to watch.

jude said...

BTW the tobacco taxes collected in Australia do not go towards health, it goes into general revenue, with only a relatively small amount going into hate campaigns against smokers, and now vapers.

Jurie Botha said...

"reducing the resources available for socioeconomic development"

Don't they mean social engineering based on junk science and ideology?

We all know that all they care about is the $$$ from their tobacco taxes.