Saturday, 29 June 2013

Link Tank 29/06

Saturday already?

E-cigs are "good news for community pubs that continue to miss trade from smokers"

Trying to ban legal highs is "like playing a perpetual game of whack-a-mole"

Europe-based fridges full of free beer that only open for Canadians

Fast food to become slower and more relaxed

20 year old spends night in jail after US police mistook her bottled water for beer

Is nicotine really any different to caffeine?

India starts down the futile road of banning porn

"Happy ending" massages ruled legal in China

The day farmers and salesman beat India at cricket

Remote-controlled cockroaches


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Puddlecote

"20 year old spends night in jail after US police mistook her bottled water for beer"

"When a half-dozen men and a woman in street clothes closed in on University of Virginia student Elizabeth Daly, 20, she and two roommates panicked."

Six armed male adults and one woman onto three young women in the dark?

All over bottle of suspected beer?

And the young woman apologised to them? And they charged her?

They should all have been sacked, on the spot. Indeed the entire department should be closed down. In a civilised society it would not even exist.

This is just another illustration of government out of control, on a 'legal' high of power fuelled by taxpayers' money.

Too much time, not enough to do: the state is like an autoimmune disease, attacking the body societal it is supposed to serve.

As Smoking Hot shows on Nothing to Declare, it is rife over here, with added conspiracy to pervert justice and malice aforethought:

So, when do we stop paying these people to punish us?


DP said...

Dear Mr Puddlecote

"20 year old spends night in jail after US police mistook her bottled water for beer"

"When a half-dozen men and a woman in street clothes closed in on University of Virginia student Elizabeth Daly, 20, she and two roommates panicked."

Six armed male adults and one woman onto three young women in the dark?

All over bottle of suspected beer?

And the young woman apologised to them? And they charged her?

They should all have been sacked, on the spot. Indeed the entire department should be closed down. In a civilised society it would not even exist.

This is just another illustration of government out of control, on a 'legal' high of power fuelled by taxpayers' money.

Too much time, not enough to do: the state is like an autoimmune disease, attacking the body societal it is supposed to serve.

As Smoking Hot shows on Nothing to Declare, it is rife over here, with added conspiracy to pervert justice and malice aforethought:

So, when do we stop paying these people to punish us?

Dick_Puddlecote said...

Agreed, DP, hence why I placed it here. It's a shocking inversion of what should have happened.

(I'm afraid your post disappeared between the cracks somewhere, I rescued most from Blogger's spam file, but the links had been zapped. Please do re-post them).

DP said...

ah ... tags not required for urls ... DP

Anto said...

It never ends!

"Talking cigarette packets could become the latest trend to encourage smokers to quit.

Scottish researchers have created talking packaging to warn addicts of the risks to their health.

The idea was inspired by tobacco companies who have been making packaging more attractive for consumers."