Sunday, 17 August 2014

Jail For Smoking Outdoors? ++ Updated ++ And Vaping Too?

There has never been - nor will there ever be - a scientific study which says passive smoking outdoors is dangerous to passers-by. It doesn't stop one town from proposing a criminal record for smoking outdoors though, complete with a possible jail sentence.

Where is this place, you ask? Why, in California, of course.
NEVADA CITY (CBS13) — Nevada City is considering strengthening its smoking ordinance in its historic district to possibly make the offense a misdemeanor in addition to the hefty fine.

Just watching out for those bar workers, didn't they say? It was never about health.

UPDATE: Maybe that's a bit harsh on California. Check out what's happening in Arlington, Washington.
The proposed ordinance is modeled after a regulation in Marysville, though Arlington’s has been expanded to include trails as well as parks, and electronic cigarettes as well as tobacco products. 
People caught smoking or chewing tobacco in a park or on a trail could be fined up to $1,000 or get a maximum of 90 days in jail, according to the proposed ordinance.
Yes. Jail for using an e-cig in a park! These people are insane.


Paul Van Der Cuntley III said...

Mexico Extension (AKA California) is about to collapse financially. Serious consideration being given to breaking it up into smaller states. Hope it comes to fruition...

Henry Crun said...

Good. Can we put the anti-smoking fruit loops and the ecoloons in one state and then build a stout wall around it to keep them away from the rest of us?

Sam Duncan said...

Everybody sing along...

Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

Stop laughing at the back.

Last of the Mohicans said...

Cant see Ferguson.Missouri banning outdoor smoking for a while yet.
Oh, are native Americans exempt from outdoor ban ?

Smug said...

People who complain about not so harmful wisps of smoke while walking sidewalks smothered in real carcenogetic fumes from motors, road tar, asbestos replacement foam insulation, etc, will perish sooner than the smokers who stopped patronizing towns of real carcenogentic pollution. The smokers, who are obviously meek and mild for putting up with such BS laws, shall one day inherit the earth. Life is good.

Jon Holland said...

I can imagine second hand chewing is a big problem, although they don't mention banning bubblegum.
Notice nobody is suggesting banning cars or barbies although they do manage to demonize homeless people while their at it.

I think all these super moons are bringing a plague of nutters upon us.

Dick_Puddlecote said...

Quite. Good to see that they're being excoriated in the comments, it's something that is happening more often and seems to be in direct correlation to the madness of the daft rule being proposed at any time. Very encouraging. :)

nisakiman said...

Unfortunately couldn't read the link. The page was reloading about every 2 seconds. I get this occasionally with links to obscure articles. Dunno why.

theprog said...

90 days for chewing tobacco in public?

FFS, this has gone way beyond ridiculous - these people are deranged, a fucking menace to society.

harleyrider1903 said...

The same Nutcase in Oregon are also trying to push a complete 400 mile beach smoking ban!

Oregon Ponders Smoking Ban At All Beaches | NW News …

Oregon could become the first West Coast state to ban smoking on all of its ... Washington Statehouse News; ... Oregon Ponders Smoking Ban At All Beaches. …

Seeing as how my great aunt and Uncle own 4 miles of that 400 miles of Beach might not set to well with them............They own a KOA camp ground in Eugene Oregon right on the ocean along with a 1200 acre apple orchard and got mega bucks. Since they both smoke I can see them now going after the bastards themselves. In fact Im gonna give em a call!

harleyrider1778 said...

Man arrested at gunpoint for smoking cigarette in driveway during Ferguson curfew Reddit Maybe he was smoking a cigarette laced with PCP giving him superpowers that meant he would need 70 rounds to be taken down. Its much safer for ...

harleyrider1778 said...

truckerlyn said...

...and extremely dangerous!

Perhaps they should have a smoke, a vape and take a chill pill?

Ripper said...

And after you've built the wall... fill it with water.

Anja M ERF vaper said...

Chewing tobacco???? C.h.e.w.i.n.g tobacco? Are those complete morons now afraid of second hand chewing???? - Never mind the utter stupidity of banning smoking outdoors .. but chewing tobacco???
Every time I think that people cannot get any more stupid - they do something to surprise me.

Now, it would be interesting, of course, to see a lot of people (preferably old-age pensioners) lining up for 90 days of free housing and food at taxpayers expense.

I have just found a way to feed, clothe and house the homeless!!!!
When the next Nobel Prize is awarded, please remember my priceless contribution to the solution of homelessness in the US .... ;)

Now.. there was busing of children to school.. Hm... sponsor a few buses, invite the homeless for a free ride to Arlington... and get them all free food, clothes and a roof over their heads for 90 days?

Yes... that idea is definitely Nobel-prize worthy :-)

Dick_Puddlecote said...

Oh, I see the misunderstanding you seem to be under. The idea that things can be banned because they harm bystanders is old hat, it's never had anything to do with it really. It was a ruse to get by the silly old-fashioned ideas of property rights and personal responsibility to impose a minutely minority moral will on the rest of the population.

The ban on chew is because it's not really about health anymore, just an exercise in social engineering by a bunch of closet Bollinger bolshies who hate the tobacco industry and traditional working class pleasures.

The nasty dig at the homeless was a surprise, though, I must say. Even for them!

Anja M ERF vaper said...

I do not misunderstand them at all. I was being sarcastic. Comes from being inundated with too many evil lies, I would say. Of course it is not about health. It never has been.

And solving the "problem of the homeless" in this way was my idea, actually. I am not very politically correct. But very sarcastic. And I did not mean it in an evil way.

You see, there is this old movie (comedy) in Germany "There is no room free in jail", where this tramp tries to go to jail every winter, to have it warm in the winter time. He tries and tries, but nobody wants to call the police for his petty little "crimes". He is sad and goes to church and prays to the Virgin Mary and stretches his hands towards the candles to warm them. And the Virgin Mary winks at him. Then the priest comes in and sees this poor shivering tramp. And he smiles and then says in a strict voice "Oh, trying to steal candles, eh? That will get you three months in jail! The entire winter!" - And he takes the tramp by the arm, and the tramp turns back to the Virgin Mary and smiles and says "thank you" :)

That is what I was thinking of. Sorry if it came across the wrong way.

Dick_Puddlecote said...

I know, I was being sarcastic too. ;)

truckerlyn said...

Well, no known cure, at least in the political sphere, which nowadays seems to be mainly the hooray henry brigade and their hh chums who will back them in anything, so long as it benefits them!