Their latest ad appeared in Tuesday's Guardian. As you can see, they've, err, toned things down a bit.

2010 could be a bumper year for EasyJet's solicitors, I fancy.
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O'leary uses snake oil for jetA1
Don't know about anyone else but I'd sooner bloody walk rather than fly in one of O'Leary's tin cans.
Ive flown a hundred times with Ryanair and as I only pay between
£1 and £30 for shorties to my
favourite smoking venues I could'nt
give a shite if they use Sopwith Camels.
Better than paddling in olive
flavoured puke on the dodgy fat Greeks flying pig stys.
Now where was I with that £6 rteurn
to Cuidad Real
Carry on Mr O'Leary, stuff the BBC
Guardian and other whinging budgies
McGinty's Goat
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