Tuesday 24 May 2011

Fake Charity Needs Your Help

Alcohol Concern are running a survey to ascertain youth opinions on alcohol advertising (I wonder why?). Sadly, by its very nature it is a self-selecting one, since only under 18s who eschew Facebook and YouTube in favour of surfing for righteous bully pressure group websites will find it. That, or being directed there by school PHSE staff encouraged by government, of course, which can't be ruled out considering the fake charity receives a majority of its funding from the state.

As such, responses are going to be somewhat biased. Now, Alcohol Concern doubtless value their integrity very highly and would be far from happy with a dodgy survey, so perhaps readers here may like to help them out by providing some balance. You could even "be in with a chance of winning one of five £50 Topshop, iTunes or lovetoshop vouchers" for just 2 minutes' of your time. Not too shabby, huh?

The survey can be accessed here and closes on May 29th. Remember that it's for under 18s only. I want to make that absolutely clear, not for adults, OK? You don't have to actually prove you're under 18 (well, so I'm told anyway, I haven't responded myself you understand) but that matters not, it would be wrong to lie ... after all, Don Shenker has never told an untruth in his life. Ever. Wouldn't dream of it.

By all means pass the link around too, I'm sure they'll be delighted.

H/T Straight Stats


The Wasp said...

Easy to forget just how old you are when you have had a pint or two ;)

Curmudgeon said...

Not that it's a biased survey or anything like that. And Q11 doesn't even allow you to answer "none of the above".

Dick Puddlecote said...

Wasp: So true. ;)

PC: And if you're 11 years old, you're excluded, it seems.

Bucko said...

I lied about my age. Does that make me a bad person?

Mark Wadsworth said...

Duly completed.

My answer to 11 was "A big poster showing Don Shenker choking on his own vomit"

Dick Puddlecote said...

Bucko: Only if you cleared your cookies and did it more than once. ;)

ftumch said...

Q8 "Who do you think should be responsible for deciding what alcohol ads can and can’t say?" doesn't allow a "none of the above" answer either. Interesting that the final option is "An independent body".... Hmmm, can anyone think of an independent body that would selflessly carry out such decisions?

Curmudgeon said...

You can answer "the alcohol industry" to Q8, though.

Smoking Hot said...

Jeez that's a survey? Not much bias then?

English Pensioner said...

Surely a fake charity deserves fake answers. And someone told me the other day I was now in my second childhood!
I'll have another try on my desktop tomoorrow to see if I can get the correct answers.

Anonymous said...

A grandson has taken the survey. Funny how our views are so similar.
Funny, innit, how many booze ads there are on the internet and facebook etc - hardly any on tee shirts.

But we can be very sure that enough 'interested persons' will be found to take the survey to produce the 'correct' answers. Isn't that what fake charities are for?

ftumch said...

@ Curmudgeon
"You can answer "the alcohol industry" to Q8, though."

Yeah, but, no, but... given the choices of govt, alcohol business, govt/alc biz, and independent body, it's only too obvious which answer is the "correct" one.

George Speller said...

Christ! Is this the way the bastards do all their "surveys"?
Don't bother to answer.

Anonymous said...

Junican said...

But we can be very sure that enough 'interested persons' will be found to take the survey to produce the 'correct' answers.

More likely:

But we can be very sure that enough 'interested persons' will be PAID to take the survey to produce the 'correct' answers.

All Seeing Eye said...

Hope they couldn't detect that I was drinking when I filled this in.

All four times.

JuliaM said...

"I lied about my age. Does that make me a bad person?"

Only if you try to claim someone else was driving the keyboard at the time.. ;)

Anonymous said...

I'll do it when I'm suitably refreshed. I just hope that no-one dies of fifth-hand alcohol.


PS Do I need to practise my yoof-speak for the questions that require comment responses?

nisakiman said...

@ Jay

No, all you need to do is to unlearn all knowledge of spelling and grammar and you'll fit in fine.

Bucko said...

"Oops, I did it again". (That was a song wasn't it?
Q9: Who should pay for health messages? The Government or the alcohol industry.
There is no option for health messages are nannying rubbish and not necessary.

Furor Teutonicus said...

Filled it in. Wonder if they can pay out in Euro?

Furor Teutonicus said...


"Under 18?

Can I sue for "discrimination"?

delcatto said...

Duly done. My cats are under 18 and I thought "Think of the kittens!"

I am Stan said...

Your a naughty boy Dickie *hic*

Angry Exile said...

Q9: Who should pay for health messages? The Government or the alcohol industry.
There is no option for health messages are nannying rubbish and not necessary.

Yeah, I noticed that. I've done it several times in the hope they'd fix this but it's like that every time ;-) On that point, I wonder if they'll notice that a lot of people responded to the survey all using the same mobile phone number. I do hope they try to call it because it's an absolutely genuine and functional UK mobile number - it's just that it doesn't get answered much what with the SIM card being in an old ashtray on a shelf in the bedroom.

Anonymous said...

"Q9: Who should pay for health messages? The Government or the alcohol industry."

What, no Shenker's mother's quim?
