Anti-smoking campaigns and laws have turned smokers into a despised underclass, a study by a Department of Health adviser warned yesterday.Which is then followed under the line (click 'worst rated' and display all) by a stream of bile from our society's rancid underbelly of meddlesome, finger-wagging prigs.
It said smokers have come to be seen as disgusting and dirty and are increasingly becoming regarded as outcasts.
The vilification is also stoking up prejudice against the poor because those who are already on low incomes or at a disadvantage are most likely to be smokers, the report by Professor Hilary Graham found.
Thereby illustrating that there are still vast swathes of the population not sophisticated enough to realise when they're being manipulated, and so daft that they'll post comments which conclusively prove the study which they are attempting to ridicule.
Kudos to the Mail for harvesting such a rich seam of catalogue entries.
H/T Dave A
Yes, the comments really do prove the point, don't they?
Any bets on how long it takes before Prof. Graham gets her research grant withdrawn?
I've just emailed Chris Snowdon regarding the 100 000 smokers that dies each year - according to dreadful Arnott.
I've checked the Office for National Statistics and in 2010, 561 666 deaths were recorded. Which means 461 666 non-smokers died that year.
Indeed. She obviously didn't get the denormalisation memo.
"Non-smokers die every day." - Bill Hicks
We knew the run up to the 'consultation' would be fun. Sure, they're out in force for this run up and score with the early comments, as they always do, but look at the arrows. Always happens, as the day progresses the 'pros' start to take over and the 'antis' are left dribbling in the corner.
I think that someone has noticed the dent in tobacco tax income made by personal-use cigarette importers, white-van man and domestic tobacco growers. The Word has gone out to ease up on denormalisation because it is costing the Exchequer valuable cash.
What I do like it that the number of comments voted up outranks the negative comments that have been voted down. There is some hope out there.
This does always seem to be the way with Mail articles, SBML. But then, we all know that anti-smoker claims are wildly exaggerated. The number of people who truly care about passive smoking is limited to the easily-manipulated or the bigoted insane.
The answer is really so simple! Give choice - ie, smoking and non smoking venues and then these sad morons will not have to be contaminated on the streets!
LOL! I liked this comment the best:
My doctor said I need to do something that gets me out of the pub.So I've started smoking.- Things 'aint what they used to , Birmingham, 28/2/2012 1:15==
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