The campaign comes in response to statistics that show more than a third of smokers still think the health risks associated with smoking are greatly exaggerated.That'll be because they most definitely have been.
Yes, you’re right
1 hour ago
The campaign comes in response to statistics that show more than a third of smokers still think the health risks associated with smoking are greatly exaggerated.That'll be because they most definitely have been.
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And the current campaign is most probably going to get that 35% that believe the health risks associated with smoking are greatly exaggerated to a much higher, healthier percentage.
Aye. The other two thirds have thus far not been paying close enough attention.
So, 1/3 think "the health risks associated with smoking are greatly exaggerated."
I'm guessing that around another third believe that looking at a smoker inside a sealed glass box is enough to kill you. The last third presumably thinks that the health risks are pretty much exaggerated bollocks. Or was that not an option on the (unmentioned) survey?
Ah they mention the fatty cigarette ad.
That was a major fail, I know burgers butter and lard have a high fat content but i'll be damned if I ever smoked a "greasy" ciggy.
It would taste 'orrible for a start.
In my view this advert claiming "15 cigarettes cause a mutation..." wouldn't stand up to an ASA complaint were it anything other than cigarettes. There is plenty of data showing that smoking a small number of cigarettes every day, before the age of thirty, has a negligible effect on life expectancy. I find it very difficult to conceive of a probabilistic model where there is (perhaps should be "maybe") a significant mutation after 15 cigarettes which can lead, with no further smoking, to more than one in several million chance of lung cancer at the median age 70.
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