Monday 24 December 2012

Talk To The Hand ...

Well, it's later on parade than previous years, but the BHF just couldn't resist a bit of last-minute scaremongery.
Feasting on Christmas Day could see the average person eating the equivalent of half a pack of lard in saturated fat and as much salt as would be found in 50 packets of crisps, the British Heart Foundation has warned. 
Victoria Taylor, senior heart health dietitian at the British Heart Foundation, said: "I'm sure many of us will overindulge on Christmas Day and if that's where it stopped it probably wouldn't make that much difference. 
"But once you've added together the Christmas parties, family gatherings and New Year festivities it's likely that you're eating and drinking much more than recommended."
Oh, do go boil your head, love. Is there a recommended level of nagging per year? Because, if so, I reckon the BHF exceeded it around February time.

Merry Christmas to everyone who has passed by this tabloid corner of cyberchatter in the past twelve months. Ignore the bores, enjoy the day and live it up like a mofo. Cheers!


Martin said...

Merry Xmas to you buddy and thanx for the info .

nisakiman said...

"'s likely that you're eating and drinking much more than recommended."

Recommended by who? Ms Taylor? And who authorised her to recommend anything to anybody?

My recommendation is that Ms Taylor puts a sock in it and lets other people make their own decisions on how much they eat and drink this Christmas.

Make that two socks. With pictures of Santa on them. I'm overflowing with Christmas cheer today.

Merry Christmas to you, DP, and all who reside in Puddlecote Manor. Many thanks for a constant stream of well written and provocative / informative posts over the past year. May your New Year be both prosperous and satisfying.

And may 2013 (please) see some major setbacks for TCI. We must keep chipping away at their monstrous edifice. It is built on foundations of sand, so it should be possible to cause some major instabilities. I will offer a libation to the gods and raise a glass to all of us who resist the grey joyless ones.


Furor Teutonicus said...

Oh HEL! I am glad you reminded me, I forgot to add salt to the goose!

Have a good'n!

Steve Wintersgill said...

To the BHF in general and Victoria Taylor specifically, do go and fuck yourselves.

To Dick and his readers, have a bloody great Christmas, eat, drink and indulge to your hearts' content. 'Tis, after all, the season to be jolly :-)

Martin said...

Merry Xmas to you buddy and thanx for the info

Captain Ranty said...

Dear Mizz Taylor, I just checked my Fuck Warehouse. It is completely empty. I shall be doing whatever I want to this Christmas. Same as every other day. Get knotted. Regards, Ranty.

ScottWichall said...

I had to add a comment on there

Longrider said...

Recommended by whom? And why should anyone take any notice of these interfering busybodies? I certainly won't be. None of their business.

Mark.S said...

Wishing you A very Merry Christmas .

George Speller said...

Happy xmas Puddlecote clan. Thanks for brightening my year.

Lysistrata Eleftheria said...

And a very Happy Christmas to you, Mrs DP, and the younger DPs!
Also to all the posters on here who have cheered me during the past year.
It's a great company to find ourselves in!

Dr Evil said...

Always some finger wagging public sector numpty trying to tell you how to live your life. Bah Humbug to them. Merry Christmas to DP and family and the blog readership. Have a peaceful New Year too. I shall certainly be drinking.

Jaycas said...

A very happy and indulgent Christmas to all (except the puritans who'd swoon at the very idea, anyway).

Paul said...

She isn't unattractive though, going by her photo elsewhere. Pity she's such an interfering, boring old harridan.

I really enjoyed my alcohol fuelled Christmas Eve with my lovely, succulent chicken dinner. I am going to enjoy my fry up, followed by several pints, followed by a massive leg of lamb with all the trimmings, followed by even more beer later on if I feel like it.

Merry Christmas to you too.

AlexB said...

Oh for...

Saturated fat is essential for the body. It is not proven to cause heart problems. Salt is also necessary, and cholesterol is not the enemy.

They can take their health diets, which are probably slowly killing them, and stick them where the sun don't shine. Surely they'll find them just as good as a suppository?

Lyn said...

A Very Merry Christmas and a let's all hope for the Best New Year EVER!
As for the busybodies in BHF, CRUK, the NHS, etc, etc - Get A Life and whether or not you do, let the rest of us live ours!
I for one do not want to be hanging around on this God forsaken planet any longer then necessary if I can't enjoy myself and indulge in what I like and what makes me happy! We are not all the same, thank God and for some of us smoking, drinking and eating what we like and enjoy is more healthy and satisfying than living the life you lot apparently enjoy, but that leaves you bitter, twisted and miserable. As others here have suggested, go play with yourselves!

Mark Wadsworth said...

The "fifty packets of crisps" statistic is only correct because there's bugger all salt in crisps any more.

Junican said...

The horrible thing is that the MSM still think that this shit is worth publishing. 'Recommended portions?' (or whatever): 'Recommended units of alcohol'?: 'Recommended body mass index'?
We are now beyond a joke. We are in doolaly land. Erm.... but all at the expense of extorted tax monies.