Friday 14 October 2011

One More Friday Giggle At California

I did say it was a rich seam this week, as who could fail to chuckle at California Assemblywoman Fiona Ma?

After the drug death of a 15 year old, Ma decided that raves were evil, so naturally tried to ban electronic rave music. Why was she unsuccessful?

"We found out later on that, Constitutionally, you can not ban a type of music," said Ma. "Plus, I, like my opponents said, I didn't really know what was going on."
Incredible, isn't it, that she worked this out after having been elected into a position of authority.

Still, she has carried on ploughing her prohibitionist furrow, and has helped ban LED gloves, children's dummies and stuffed toys instead.

Reason TV explains all, complete with fruity young ladies.

All roads lead away from the Golden State these days, it would seem.


Anonymous said...

Someone is pulling my leg
A "greenfest" run by a
Howie Mauskopf.Sounds like a
rerun of Village of the Damned.
What are greens anyway ?
Trots without the bollocks to say so,mind you they're clever they've
even got MPs on the Tory Benches now

Enlightenment Buster

Anonymous said...

I just been looking at the still before vid starts D.P.Now i know the worlds oldest proffesion had to come into the 21st century but a swipe card?