"We could always just change the law to allow people to legally shoot dead anyone caught with a cig between their lips outside the four walls of their home, as long as it's not a rented home or presently under mortgage, since it's not technically their home. If people find a bullet through their head whenever they light up, they'll not light up. Simples. Probably won't happen. I can dream though. God, I'd have a field day if that ever came to pass..."Many thanks to reader Marthaj for the spot. I think we have a winner!
- Ken, Kent, 6/4/2012 16:28
Of course, if you do come across anything more mentally unbalanced during your regular surfing - and, let's face it, you're going to have to go some - do remember to pop it in the comments here, won't you?
How proud our MPs must be of fine, tolerant, upstanding members of society, like Ken, that they have created.
I really wish Andrew Lansley would stop commenting on Mail articles using pseudonyms. It's a disgrace, Ken -- I mean Andrew.
Why not join in the HATEFEST, why not reciprocate incitement to hatred,
intolerance,dislike,isolation and apartheid.
Find the waterholes of the anti tobacco nutters and give them something to
chew on and souvenirs to relish.
We all know the chattering chimps of the anti smoking brigade are the
children of burgeoise wimps ,unacustomed to shock and awe,unused to
raw reality.
If they wish to sow the seeds of discontent,let us ensure their share of
the Harvest of loneliness
Start kicking back or for evermore lie down in silence.
Slum Dog Terrier
Substitute any other lawful minority for smokers in Ken of Kent's comment and he would be up before the beak.
What we have here,
re Kenny, is a thoroughly brainwashed, violence-addled mind, a product of “advanced,
progressive” societies [giggle]. The elites - they who would
be “god” promoting their “fixed up” society full of Kennys - must be so proud of
their simple-minded accomplishment. Bravo! Welcome to Stepford
Kennys courtesy of Public Health®.
I,ve lost count of the number of times a comment of mine has not been printed yet it appears quite acceptable to publish this filth.
I,m afraid the Media are a large part of the denormalise program.
True. And, judging from the anger in the recent Twitter Muamba case, they'd be looking at a custodial sentence within a week.
Let's change the wording of Ken's comment a little and then we'll see exactly what sort of people Ken and the rest of his anti-smoking mates are:
"We could always just change the law to allow people to legally shoot dead anyone caught wearing a yarmulke outside the four walls of their home, as long as it's not a rented home or presently under mortgage, since it's not technically their home. If people find a bullet through their head whenever they wear a yarmulke, they'll not wear a yarmulke. Simples. Probably won't happen. I can dream though. God, I'd have a field day if that ever came to pass..."
"We could always just change the law to allow people to legally shoot dead any black people outside the four walls of their home, as long as it's not a rented home or presently under mortgage, since it's not technically their home. If people find a bullet through their head whenever they step outside, they'll not step outside. Simples. Probably won't happen. I can dream though. God, I'd have a field day if that ever came to pass..."
We could always just change the law to allow people to legally shoot dead gays and lesbians outside the four walls of their home, as long as it's not a rented home or presently under mortgage, since it's not technically their home. If people find a bullet through their head whenever they engage in homosexuality, they'll not engage in homosexuality. Simples. Probably won't happen. I can dream though. God, I'd have a field day if that ever came to pass..."Perhaps it would be better just to shoot Ken,
hahahaha... i'm sure that if ken ever went up to a smoker with the intent of shooting him the smoker would take the gun off him and stick it up the hole he talks out of... sending him crying home mummy complaining what horrible people smokers are.... stop daydreaming you'd have the b*lls to do it, even if it were legal ken.. your scared of smoke for gods sake... hahaha
This is not funny! If we remember, shortly after the ban came into effect a nurse, who had to leave hospital premises to have a smoke, was knifed to death!
So, these vile, filthy morons, although not shooting us dead in droves, have begun their crusade!
Ken from Kent? Or Kun?
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