Rolling out the usual nonsense, the virulently anti-enjoyment harpie is again focussing on how the models have been coerced (700 volunteered), that they are in imminent danger of being tracked down and assaulted (it states their first name and town), and that it is a profiteering exercise for Ryanair (all receipts are given to charity). Not to mention that there are many more surefire ways of raising €100,000 quickly (in a lefty's mind) than by offering a product which people wish to buy.
The difference this year is that Woman's Hour gave Hairy's daft little hobby horse the oxygen of publicity in a broadcast debate with Ryanair CEO Michael O'Leary, and dead funny it is too. If you have ten minutes spare, please do go and listen to the recording she has posted on her blog, it'll brighten your day no end. Especially since, for some strange reason, it comprises an overdub of someone laughing hysterically at her quite ludicrous logic.
Hairy - who, as a Labour London MEP, costs us a fucking fortune, remember - has been termed "Dreary Mary" in a Ryanair press release. However, Woman's Hour host Jane Garvey disagreed, describing her as "radiant and beaming".
There is a clear difference of opinion there, I think you'll agree, so let's study the evidence.

Oh come now, Michael, can you really not see that smouldering glamorous charm? Why not offer her an invite as Miss December for next year's shoot - perhaps the fact that you haven't done so previously is what all the fuss is about, eh?
Yep, no matter how you dress it, a pig is still a pig.
Next she'll be claiming that the glass slipper does fit.
Radiant and beaming in terms of what? Body heat and broadcast bullshit maybe. To use the phrase of the late Douglas Adams, she has the sex appeal of a road accident. To put it in my words I'd rather root a Vogon.
As ugly on the outside as she is on the inside.
Now I've never been one to stoop to personal abuse (ahem)... but to quote a certain Captain H, "I wouldn't - not even with yours".
Why, Why, Why are all of these leftie, do gooding, nanny state, Greenham Common types all such fucking ugly munters, are they just trying to get back at the World because nature didn't give them a chance of doing anything better or nicer?
Wow she`s a cracker Dikie,she`d be beaming for a week after some Stan action.
I might use her for this weeks Friday Glamour..
Off to the pub now...;)
Now now let's not get nasty.
It's obvious from her appearence the poor wimmin suffers from Downs Syndrome.
Stan, leave the alcohol alone you've already had enough. It's starting to addle yer brain.
Friday Glamour?! GTFOH!
Now now Dick, that is just mean
She's going to be very unhappy with the La Senza Cupsize Choir.
Merry Christmas.
If you are at work, use the Campaign link
If you are not at work you have a choice of
youtube for a demonstration
and your own cup size choir
Aw, nuts.
That should read GTFOOH!
Maybe I should take my own advice re the alcohol.
She can't be serious that Ryanair's "Dreary Mary" is "potentially slanderous"?!
Bit of an own goal for Little Miss Sunshine.
I ran away and hid under the bed when I saw her picture.
I just listened to that interview. Its hilarious!
Stan: I worry about you sometimes.
Gawain: Eh? How so? I took her side, didn't I? ;)
WOAR: Saw that the other day and sent it to Mr P Snr. He found that pressing all buttons at the same time gave him the biggest thrill. :)
Bucko: Indeed. I was laughing along with the mystery guy giving a background commentary.
I've a friend with a kid at the toddling stage. I've printed that picture out for her so she can keep him away from the oven with it...
Turing word: conan Yes, she looks a lot like him, actually...
She'd look stunning in a chador! Perhaps she'll be featured in the Saudi version?
This is what I posted on her site:
So are you against the WI's nude calender then? The one made famous by the film "Calender Girls".
If not then you are a hypocrite. Are you not against ti because women made it themselves whilst the Ryan Air one was made by men?
If you are against the WI calender then you have just shown yourself to be more interested in being an extreme feminist and not a good politician who cares about ALL members of their electorate no matter what their sex.
Either way you lose because you cannot be consistent when everything is based on your biased opinions.
You state that Michael never answered your questions. Did you actually listen to his answers. He seems to answer them fully. I suspect you don't acknowledge that your questions were answered because you didn't get the answered you wanted to hear. Not a good trait for a politician.
Oh, and you just shot yourself in the foot by using a recording where someone is laughing at you. Have you actually listened to the recording yourself?
What's really scary is that fuckwitt is a member of the European parliament.
hahahahahaha brilliant. Thanks to Hairy Mary I have decided which calendar I want for my study.
Why do people like Hairy Moneyball seek power? Revenge and bitterness, I suppose. But why th hell do we give it to them?
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