Friday, 6 January 2012

Quick! Justify Our Existence!

Tim Worstall today highlighted a classic case of desperate scraping of the barrel in justification for illiberal measures.

In the same vein, here's another bang up-to-date example from Alcohol Research UK.

20% of men and 10% of women aged 65 and over exceed recommended drinking guidelines and 3% of men and 0.6% of women aged 65-74 are alcohol dependent.

Moderate drinking in later life has a beneficial effect on all-cause mortality and confers a number of psychological benefits, possibly through reduced stress and improved mood and sociability.
Isn't that great news?

However multiple biological, psychological and social changes that accompany the ageing process make older people uniquely vulnerable to alcohol problems. These vulnerabilities can include loneliness, diminished mobility, multiple bereavements, chronic pain, poor physical health and poor economic and social supports.
I see. So, because old people tend to suffer from ailments which affect old people, state-funded prodnoses should be employed to nag them on their alcohol consumption.



The Filthy Engineer said...

*Pours another large scotch*

Anonymous said...

From the title, I thought this was going to be a Lee Jasper type post.

By the way, can we start a petition that he never again receive a penny from the public purse?

Simon Cooke said...

Am hoping to make it to 85 so I can pour another large whiskey, light up a cigar and tell them to just f--- off!

Anonymous said...

One has to wonder how these people live with themselves - but they probably believe every damn bit of bull they come up with, they'd have to, in order to pronounce with a straight face whilst behaving in a dignified manner, as if they were important, though they are since they are principal lobbyists, paid by the government to then lobby the government to then do what the government wanted to do all along, but so the elitists who dream up these ideas can camoflauge themselves as the source of it, even from their own minds, purging them of all guilt. The passive/aggressive mechanism seems the best way to describe how illiberal-liberalism operates psychologically. Disgusting, as usual.

Twenty_Rothmans said...

I want these pieces of shit to live forever. I really, really want them to be doubly incontinent for generations.

The icing on the cake would be that as their bodies deteriorate, their minds don't. I want them to savour every moment.

I volunteer with old people and a wee drink is the only pleasure they have left.

Anonymous said...

You know what? I think that by the time you have lived long enough for your body to ache every day you deserve to be able to drink as much as you damn well please.

Anonymous said...

obbyists, paid by the government to then lobby the government to then do what the government wanted to do all along, but so the elitists who dream up these ideas can camoflauge themselves as the source of it, even from their own minds, purging them of all guilt. The passive/a

Anonymous said...

I know why many old people feel rejected ,neglected,isolated,lonelyunwanted,segregated,alone with just memories,forgotten,miserable in their solitude,abandoned by
Their pubs boarded up,their Bingo halls deserted,their working mens clubs derelict,their dance halls
razed to the ground
They look around for heroes amongst
the young to fight for their way of
life,a way of life bequeathed to them by the blood ,sweat and lives of their fathers and forefathers.
What do they find?
Paralysis coast to coast,no heart,
no soul,no spirit ,no bollocks,
just a swarm of inept mumbling
moral dwarfs,bar coded all with the
numbers of defeatism.
A worthy few shrill from lofty branches but still fewer listen.
There are still many who have the heart and the will but who will gather them into one force

One crying in the Wilderness

Woodsy42 said...

"uniquely vulnerable"?
This a whole new meaning of the word uniquely, unless they mean younger people never ever get those things.

selsey.steve said...

As I relish yet another Isle of Jura scotch whisky, all I can think is WTF!

Anonymous said...

"20% of men and 10% of women aged 65 and over exceed recommended drinking guidelines ..."

Which drinking guidelines are these? As I have written before, the current guidelines for 65 and over are:
1 unit per day for women
1.5 units per day for men.

Being over 65, I leave you to guess where I think they should put their guidelines!
Alan Bates

Michael J. McFadden said...

OMG! One half of one percent of women over 65 are drinking enough for the government to label them as "alcohol dependent"!!!





Guess I might as well go have a smoke.