Tuesday, 24 July 2012

There IS Another Way

My, didn't David Gauke kick off a bit of a storm today?
Treasury minister David Gauke has said it is "morally wrong" to pay tradesmen such as plumbers, builders and cleaners in cash in the hope of avoiding tax.
The Devil's henchman, Counting Cats's SAoT and - with a terrific rant - Raedwald all pointed out the laughable situation where a politician can be so arrogant as to lecture us on morals. So there's not really much left to say.

Except ...
"Getting a discount with your plumber by paying cash in hand is something that is a big cost to the Revenue and means others have to pay more in tax."
Doesn't this perfectly exhibit the permanently closed mind of the modern MP? That their receipts being lessened automatically means that someone else has to pay more.

Here's an idea. How about - because, you see, we're all being told that we should live within financial constraints during a recession - how about, just for a fucking change, you spend less of our money rather than insisting others pay even more tax to prop up your monumentally disastrous waste?

The thought never entered the idiot's head, did it?

So addicted to our cash are these cretins; so accustomed to having their thieving fingers thrust into every conceivable transaction between any of us; so pompously 'entitled' to ripping us off hourly in umpteen different ways, that they can't contemplate living with the cash they do collect without putting the frighteners on someone else to replace what escapes them.

Morals? When government thieves from the dead, and still screws the country by spending what they haven't got, how on Earth can this guy speak of morals?