Monday 6 October 2014

A 'Public Health' Fan Writes

Who couldn't have been utterly appalled by the barbaric murder of Alan Henning at the weekend? Who wasn't distraught about the living hell his poor family is going through? Who doesn't want heaven and earth moved to nail the despicable bastards who carried it out?

Not this guy, apparently.

I do mention quite a lot that the cult of 'public health' feeds off, and panders to, the most rancid and anti-social in society, but this message from one of their fans surprised even me.

That someone could be brainwashed enough to even think 'saving' others from choosing food he disapproves of is more important than tackling vile extremists who cut innocent people's heads off for fun is bad enough, but to publicly put it in writing and accuse others of having "issues" is astounding.

We're on the side of the angels, people. Public health and the lunatics who adore them are the extremists. Never forget that.


RobC(UK) said...

Words fail me!

Mark Wadsworth said...

"Who doesn't want heaven and earth moved to nail the despicable bastards who carried it out?"

I don't. I'd be delighted if they all killed each other but let's not get too involved in these mad spats between different idiot factions.

I'd advise sane people not to go the Middle East and if they do, it's at their own risk.

nisakiman said...

Unfortunately I think it's an all too predictable response from one of the healthists. They have been fully indoctrinated with the orthodoxy, and cannot imagine any issue that can trump their own personal hate agenda.

It's a sad state of affairs.

That said, I think any non-military person who goes to Syria has only themselves to blame if they get caught up in the situation, tragic though that situation might be. They forget that we're not dealing with normal people here. These are extremist ideologues without humanity, and it should be assumed that they will behave like wild dogs.

Dick_Puddlecote said...

That's a much larger debate, but matey thinks it's an either/or. And he's firmly in the 'or' camp.

Oddly, if others try to point out that there are far more important things for government to be doing than, say, taxing fizzy drinks to stop 10 year olds getting 2% of their calories, we're told the state can do everything because the pot is inexhaustible.

The bansturbators, as always, stay silent and rejoice that their twisted ideology is being abused.

harleyrider1903 said...

Seems like everytime it goes down us Americans get carted off to do the killin and getting killed for what...............Lets just wait for them to get organized enuf to where we can meet them on a single battlefield and kick their asses once and for all.

harleyrider1903 said...

nisakiman Im with ya..........In fact todays rules of so called engagement are nothing but rules for the PC folks and gets Nato troops killed ie mainly American. I wouldn't fight their stupid war for nothing unless we get carte blanche to kill everything we find..............Screw friend or foe to me they are all enemy until they give up.........fighting an insurgency is the last thing anyone should be doing it eats up lives for nothting no gain no nothing..........complete wipeout is what works. Ive seen enuf coffins from my years in service and out to go what a senseless way to wage a war............At least Gen. Schwartzkoff had it right.

Dick_Puddlecote said...

This isn't the Braveheart, you know, things have moved on. Plus, and I don't want to appear rude, I'd prefer the SAS went in and sliced them up on a budget, quite happy for the US to be left out of it. ;)

harleyrider1903 said...

Then let em have all the fun...............Im tired of seeing GIs cut down in a stupid bid to quail an insurgency.You have to get them altogether and strike. To win. A piece here and there is just fodder. It goes on and on forever even if you get the top echelon leaders the radical fighters just get in with another group and a new head appears like ISIS or any of the other 50 groups out there today.

Dick_Puddlecote said...

There is that, and I agree somewhat. But if some take risks to do what's right shouldn't we defend them? The alternative is perfect safety and a life ruled by fear.

Dick_Puddlecote said...

True, but this was kinda a post about the vile nature of 'public health' fans, not a debate about intervention.

When you talked about 'on and on forever' and the impossibility of eradicating an army of brainwashed 'radicals', you were talking about ISIS and not the nutter in my article, weren't you? ;)

harleyrider1903 said...

Your quite right DP the beheading was just horrible but weve been at it since 2002-3 and it just keeps 'on and on forever' ................simply put. That's why I was suggesting we let em take over build an organized army and then blow the shit out of them all in a packed arena of war.

harleyrider1903 said...

Your quite right DP the beheading was just horrible but weve been at it since 2002-3 and it just keeps 'on and on forever' ................simply put. That's why I was suggesting we let em take over build an organized army and then blow the chit out of them all in a packed arena of war.

Antipholus Papps said...

Any US military person who goes to Syria also only has him or herself to blame. Under the Nuremberg precedent and the Kellogg-Briand pact, their orders are unlawful. Therefore, under Article IV of the US Constitution, it is incumbent upon them to refuse any order to operate in Syria. If not under Nuremberg, which Obama is contesting in North California, at least under Kellogg-Briand.

jmshigham said...

Got it in one. This is the mindset and what to do about it? I'm at a loss.

Una Cosa said...

I think it it high time we classified the extremists in the middle east with
those amongst us.Like all fanatics they assume they can do what they want
and remain untouched,hiding behind "civilized behaviour" and shields of untouchabilty. Be they gun toting lunatics running round the deserts of Mesopotamia or shroud waving,trough sipping freaks,they have forfeit their right to treated under normal human conventions,they need to be sought out and sorted,no quarter is received ,non shall be given.
Opus Veritas

Chalcedon said...

But what is the only thing that's amusing is that the American poster refers to the Daily Mail website.

Lisabelle said...

How the PUBLIC HEALTH supporters of PUBLIC DEATH, twist those facts into lies that they publish as truth. Chaos is the choice of tools for an agenda motivated by corporate bribery and greed.

Lisabelle said...

Nannytheist Elitists must sacrifice their own lives, implode, crumble from within. Bad cells that mascarade as good cells so well that all cells die.