Thursday 2 July 2009

Righteous Cockwaffler Of The Week

Remember Alan Maryon-Davies, health hector supreme?

Well, he's talking out of his brown starfish again, this time on the potential target areas for upcoming NHS cuts.

Even now, with 15 months of the good times still to go, the planners are looking to see where they can make so-called 'efficiency savings' - cuts to you and me.

My worry is that, if history is anything to go by, the first things for the chop will be preventive programmes such as stop smoking services, healthy eating initiatives, physical activity promotion, alcohol education projects, mental health work and safe sex drives.

These are all 'soft targets' for the axe-swingers.

That'll be because they waste skiploads of tax money but deliver negligible financial or health benefit, Alan.

My plea to the army of health service planners and commissioners is simple; hands off prevention. Find your savings elsewhere.

That's right. Keep the legions of NHS non-jobbers and just close down a hospital or two instead. We wouldn't want the NHS to actually allow people to live life as they themselves see fit, now would we?

What a top drawer, 24 carat cunt you are, Alan. Why not do your bit for cost-cutting in the NHS by perforating the roof of your mouth with a powerful shotgun.

And remember that this is the deluded cock-gobbler who once said:

"I'm a Libertarian by nature"

Like Pol Pot was a philanthropist deep down, presumably.


Emily said...

Lose schemes to stop smoking, promote safe sex, reduce alcohol, eat healthy? About time too. I do all the above vices PRECISELY because I'm told not to. Facists.

BTS said...

Yep, all that money on smoking cessation has made a world of difference hasn't it? If increasing the number of smokers was the aim..

Can I call him a fuckwit on here? Is that all right..?

Unknown said...

No you can't BTS, cos he's a cunt and fuckwit, so there. :)

BTS said...

Sorry. I have trouble with long words..

Mark Wadsworth said...

When Health Minister Dick P is in charge, his so-called "preventive" measures would be first to go (sometime in the first fifteen minutes of his tenure), except being a snob I shall refer to them as "preventATive".*

* Yes, I did check first. F*** them as well.