Never been one for teddy bears myself, but I could get to like this little fella. Not sure what the rope is for, but he's got the rest nicely covered (even the curious #5).
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Cigs? Vodka?
O dear, watch out or BTS will try to cut me open to see if I have a stash of stuff like that!
It's No.9 that fascinates me. Hanging MPs' with? You could fit more piano wire in there.
And there was me thinking that Bear was just full of white wine..
w/v: pigneed (poor taste surely whilst in the grip of a pandemic..)
TFE: Of course, how silly of me not to realise that. Piano wire would definitely be more space-saving (as well as more efficient).
I want one :-)
BTS: White wine???? Never touch the stuff. You have mistaken me for another bear.
SB: Me too. It is 'bear' essentials after all :-)
BTS, White Wine?
One is of the opinion that White Wine only has 2 good uses.
1. Cooking
2. Getting Red Wine stains out of the carpet.
My apologies Bear. In my defence it had been a particularly hard day at work and the first bottle was almost empty by the time I typed that..
I really do deserve a hangover for yesterday but I must have some good karma at the moment..
Ian: very true, but you're neglecting champagne. Nothing sets you up better for the day than a champagne breakfast and a blonde..
It's a nice idea, but it appears to be missing a branding iron, a piercing tool and a bottle of GHB.
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