More freezing weather on its way, I see. So be prepared and consider your options early. Do you stay in the car ... or bail?
Fighting talk
2 hours ago
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This has started a major debate in the office. Would we jump and chance getting run over by our car (sounds like Brian Harvey) or do we go down with the ship :-)
That video scared the shit out of me. Still not sure what I would do though.
Good find DP
@ SB, stay in the car, of course. A collision at less than 20 mph isn't going to hurt you.
Depends what was round the corner, MW. The urge to jump would exponentially increase the longer the hill, I imagine.
I think I would only jump out if there was a river coming towards me.
Cracking video. Encapsulates the state of The UK to a tee. Fuck everybody else, look after yourself. That combined with a driving ability of dubious skill.
Sorry, should have answered the question.Stay and continue attempting some form of control and look for a grassy/mud or reasonable obstacle, to halt the car.
Would have helped if the stupid cunt had steered INTO the skid instead of OUT of it.
That was probably a cul de sac so the only thing you might bump into would be another car or some shrubbery so I'd stay in the car. Different if we were headed for a cliff though, or a petrol station.
Whoever was driving shouldn't.
Apart from the steering, already mentioned, the idiot locked the wheels. Even without ABS you can do cadence braking and control the skid a bit more. If there was a bad hill round the corner, the best bet would have been to deliberately crash into one of the parked cars - hell, that was going to happen anyway. How thick do you have to be?
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