I haven't done a Davies update for a while so, courtesy of RT TV, here's our Phil - fresh from the Free Society debate - doing a Creedence and predicting dark days ahead for the Eurozone. Watch out for the description of the EU as "an inward-facing, backward-looking protection racket".
We're not worthy.
Oh yeah, and here's an exclusive 'behind the scenes' pic from Puddlecote Paparazzo Ltd.

Awesome indeed. I'll link to my blog because I made him my mascot too.
What a star is Philip, but how is it that the truth is so easy to propound, but so difficult to accept?
"an inward-facing, backward-looking protection racket". I don't know ... in my book, the EU is a backward-facing, inward-looking protection racket. I would propoubd that as an entirely different kettle of pisciform creatures, wouldn't you agree?
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