In a somewhat tongue-in-cheek post on the Freedom2Choose blog, I derived a bit of fun out of the incestuous nomination of Deborah Arnott of ASH for the Women in Public Life Awards 2009, by Harpal Singh (CRUK), who, along with the government, pays her to do their bidding (I suggested an alternative award title).

Just the other day ASH were caught, by the Evening Standard, lying like toads to Lord Darzi, which made her nomination even more laughable and, no doubt, insulting to genuinely deserving women.
It turns out, though, that our Debs isn't quite the most fraudulent turd on the shortlist.
That honour goes to the corrupt, thieving Labour peer, Baroness Uddin.

You may have read about her in the Sunday Times today. She's the one who ripped us off to the tune of £100,000 by claiming her home to be a flat that she had never even set foot in.
A LABOUR peer who lives in the East End of London has claimed about £100,000 in parliamentary expenses on a flat in Kent that neighbours say has been unoccupied for years.
Baroness Uddin, who worked closely with Tony and Cherie Blair, has been claiming allowances intended for peers living outside London although she resides only four miles from the Lords.
I understand that next time round, the Women in Public Life Awards have decided not to fuck around anymore, and are seeking nominations for the accolade of "Disgusting Stain on Society of the Year 2010"
Although I despise both of the specimens, I think that at least the 'friend' of Tony and Cherie is the more truthful. At least her motive for her lies is plain and simple greed (learned no doubt from her 'friends)
The other shitbag 'Debs' has no such honourable motive. Her motive is to rid the world of people that do not conform to her way of thinking and she is a religious pious nutcase (with a bit of greed thrown in, to keep spouting lies to keep her in a well paid job.
So come to think of it they are both 'troughing'
They're both shit. They're just like the rest who run our country - shit!
No wonder we're in the mess we're in.
Sod off puritans, sod off thieves. You're not wanted by the majority and your time is numbered.
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