Monday, 22 March 2010

An Anti-Authoritarian Groundswell?

However, the insidious accretion of power to a benign and democratic state, through the use of the legislative process to restrict what we do and shape who we are, is more destructive in the long run because it creates a society of pliant individuals who look for someone else to help them out. Personal responsibility is destroyed and gives way to a notion that the state or one of its many agencies will provide everything. We become dependent upon others rather than on ourselves; supplicants and clients of the state.
Couldn't agree more with this guy's entire article. Seriously, go give it a read, it'll have your head nodding furiously in approval.

I'm getting me the book.

Have you noticed that anti-authoritarian, common sense articles such as this are becoming ever more prevalent recently? Could the pendulum of opinion at last be swinging back towards liberty?