Sing a song of parliament,
Pockets full of cash.
Fraudulently claiming,
And adding to their stash.
With their ploy discovered,
They said they'll give it back.
If you or I had done the same,
We'd promptly get the sack.
Sing a song of freebies,
Snouts all in the trough.
Giving back their ill-got gains,
Is just not good enough.
Sponging off our earnings,
With a likely tale.
If working folk had done the same,
They'd soon end up in jail.
Sing a song of fraudsters,
Counting out their money.
They smile and look quite unashamed,
As though they think it's funny.
Sitting in a secret place,
Counting out their dosh.
On plugs for baths and cleaning moats,
For crisps and orange squash.
Sing a song of MPs
Who took us for a ride.
It's up to us at election time,
Their future to decide.
It's gone too far to bring back trust,
Of anyone in power.
To most of us they'll always be
A really great big shower.
(and a bunch of crooks).
Gambling is still not a public health issue
9 minutes ago
Any chance that St Paul's with St Michael's C of E Primary School will be broadcasting a rap version sometime soon..?
Have a shufty at my attempt at describing the place...
Nice one, HAS, deserves a link for easy clickage. :-)
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