Saturday 5 June 2010

Link Tank 05/06

Yes, it's late. I've been travelling, doncha know.

From July 1st, it is mandatory for all off-licence alcohol purchasers to show ID, regardless of their age. Righteous still not happy.

The odds of becoming a YouTube celebrity

Record stores, Mad Men furniture, and pencil skirts - when Afghanistan had rock 'n' roll, not rockets.

80% of poker players use performance enhancing drugs

Obesity health problems are a myth

Rules and restrictions in Rigby Town

Man barred from a pub for being too good-looking, allegedly

Marijuana use doesn't affect driving performance


Ross said...

"Man barred from a pub for being too good-looking, allegedly"

I know that feeling.

Unknown said...

I can't believe that first link DP.

Among the supporters are the members of the Indiana Petroleum Marketers and Convenience Store Association. In January, the group voluntarily implemented a mandatory carding policy in all affiliated shops.

The above reminds me of pub owners here who are now bleating that their pubs are failing due to lack of custom but would rather blame anything else rather than the elephant in their "no smoking" bars.

DaveA said...

I have played online and live poker for about 5 years. I play very low stakes, £1-£5 buy ins and make about £500-£700 a year playing. My biggest loss is £20 and my biggest win live is £300 (£20 buy in) and on line £250 (£8 buy in). I play multi table tournaments, up to 400 entrants and single table tournaments, 6-10 entrants. I do not play cash to those who know the game.

Those who make the real money, £10 million if you win the World Series to £500,000 on line grind away for up to 16 hours a day for up to 5 consecutive days. It must be a slog so I can see the reason for the high uptake of drugs. When I play I am teetotal and drink coffee.

Possibly the greatest player of all time was Stuart Ungar who died of a heart attack at the age of 45. A lifetime of cocaine and later crack consumption