Fortunately, unrepentant hedonist Cookie has leapt into action with a petition.
The petition states :And in case anyone is not convinced, he further explains how such a measure will make for a "happier and shinier world".
The price of dirt cheap cheap supermarket lager is rising whatever anyone says. We believe government intervention and a Maximum price of 50p per unit will ensure a free English persons right to get as pissed as he/she likes for the princely cost of buttons!
He's even designed a natty blog badge for his inspired campaign.

Nick Cleggeron ... make it the maximum and banish the scourge of alcohol at 'deposit account' prices, for good.
I thank you for your support, Sir !
Urgent action on alcohol? Leave it to me. I'm off to Tesco to get some urgent whisky.
I'm a public service, you know. Just think how much whisky I have prevented the cheeldren drinking by selflessly converting it all to urine.
Cookie: No thanks required. Angling for my free beer fridge. I'm fed up with being dubbed a paid stooge for no reason ;-)
LI: You're offering a public service. An honours list nomination surely awaits.
I tried that trick once. You know, the lefty, Grauniad style headline. Nobody fell for mine either ;-)
I do hope Mr Lager intends to start a fake charity to lobby the government for action using public funds.
And while you're at it, about the price of these ciggies......
CS: While you were writing that, I was enjoying a restaurant Dhansak. Sorry if you were fooled, but it did me fine. ;-)
Bucko: Good point on the fake charity, it's worth thinking about. On the smoking bit, I'll add Cookie's badge to my sidebar when he adds my smoking amendment one to his. :-)
I think that's you in check, cookie. ;-)
Very sensible indeed, kind sir.
I have my eye on that four-pack of Nigerian Guinness. I'll take four of them.
@Cooking Lager:
I salute both your name and your ethos sir!
There is a sound PC argument for reducing booze prices as best put by the great Henry George.Reduce the price of booze as low as possible and there's no money in pushing it.Pubs and bars would have to make money out of food and entertainment instead: the mythical (in UK) cafe society.
Hey! That's not a bad idea... It'll reduce the price of a 1998 Lafite Rothschild from around £625 to about three and a half quid! :-)
Oh... Hang on a minute...
"dirt cheap cheap supermarket lager"
Glad to see that being debunked. The only really cheap beer in most supermarkets is the watered-down 2% stuff, but that never stopped the tabloids from conflating it with high-strength lager and pretending they were the same thing, only to have ministers who never set foot in a supermarket insist that we were all getting rat-arsed on Special Brew at 50p a pint. I wish.
While there is certainly a place in life for a fine bottle of Laphroiag, a vintage Chateauneuf du pap or even an oaky real ale next to a blazing real fire, I understand everyone is not as financially fortunate as myself and so fully support this campaign! For reasosn of social inequality, of course - it's an Englishman's right to buy a crate of Lout for buttons and get as pissed as he wants, whenever and wherever he wants. Hopefully this will see a sea change in current thinking and put the Righteous back in their box. Now where's my £1.49 four pack of Thor Lager....?
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